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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Hi, everyone.


Allie has been in MSK Memorial for the past 9 days.

She was feeling awful on Wednesday Apr 3rd and was instructed to go to the MSK Urgent Care (that is what MSK calls their Emergency Department.)

She was admitted and spent an hour or so in a ‘regular’ room but was quickly sent to ICU. She spent 4 nights there. Her old PICC was removed and a central line was put in her neck. One would have thought there was nowhere else to put a tube or iv. Ha!

A CT scan showed what I will refer to as a ‘newly discovered’ blockage. It is unclear as to whether this is something new, something that was previously hidden from view, or debris from a tumor we already knew about breaking up.  This blockage causes most food and drink to go thru her system to a certain point and not any further. Some of it does get past the blockage, and that is a good sign.

She was moved to the non-ICU floor on Saturday where she is now.

And yes, they found a new place to stick a tube: her stomach! It is helping her feel better but who wants that?!

We are anxious to get out of here, get back to treatment, get rid of that blockage, and get rid of that tube!

So, please continue to keep Allie in your thoughts and keep sending those good vibes.

A special note to those of you who know Allie well, she has an appointment to visit with one of the therapy dogs this afternoon. This might need an extra dose of good vibes to actually make it happen.



Kathy and Steve

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