Help Alicia Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Alicia’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 49 donors who have made a donation in honor of Alicia.

Your family is awesome, Alicia; especially that crazy Elvis impersonator!! Prayers for you and your family. Sandy
Hugs from Sandy Giger | Nov 15, 2018
Prayers your way, Alicia and Family. You are an example for all of us.
Mary Kay and Michael Durbin | Nov 15, 2018
I read all your caringbridge messages and am so inspired. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Nancy
Nancy Scholl | Nov 15, 2018
You go girl, keep the faith and kick those cancer cells out of here!
Love you! Mike & Rita Tebbe | Nov 15, 2018
praying for you & your family!
Rex T. & Kandace L. Hatcher | Oct 27, 2018
Thanks for your AMAZING words of courage, humor, and AWESOME FAITH. God is using you as a weapon against depair and self-pity. By the grace of God, you pull us all up by our 'boot straps'.!!! 'With God ALL THINGS are possible'.
Jim and Carol Henrichs | Oct 27, 2018
Vanessa Conley | Oct 24, 2018
Hang in there, Alicia!
Kathy Splaingard | Dec 11, 2017
Alicia, you are always in my prayers though you don't know me--I have worked with your delightful Mother Shirley for years and so I feel I know YOU, especially through your wonderful writings. Praise JAH! Praise the Holy Spirit Dove! Praise Jeshua-Jesus!
Cindy Stone, Columbia, MO | Sep 28, 2017
Loving and positive thoughts are with you and your parents & family.
Frank & Gwen Scorfina | Sep 20, 2017