Help Alice Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Alice’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 28 donors who have made a donation in honor of Alice.

Oh Hello Alice. You got this girl and you know there a sooo many people sending good vibes your way. xoxo Aunt Kate
Aunt Kate | Sep 23, 2023
Thinking of you and your family and praying for good results!
Marsha Alexander | Dec 14, 2021
We are making a donation today in honor of Alice Day. This is a great communication tool which we appreciate.
Wayne and Sue Fingalson | Nov 28, 2021
Sounds initially like rocky road in the recovery room; what a brave and strong girl! Hoping good rest will quickly resolve Alice's problems from anesthesia and surgery's aftermath. Praying for her feeling much better soon! Thank you for this update!
virginia scruggs | Nov 24, 2021
In gratitude for the wisdom, skill, and compassion of everyone at Children's Minnesota who are caring for precious Alice.
Susan C Dowd | Nov 23, 2021
Thinking of, and rooting for, all of you: Alice and her loving caregivers.
Vicki Harper | Nov 23, 2021
You all are loved by so many and there are many, many prayers coming your way. xo Aunt Kate and Uncle Russ
Love Aunt Kate and Uncle Russ | Nov 22, 2021
Thinking of you and wishing all the family to stay strong for Alice!
Nancy Bohada | Nov 22, 2021
Praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery…Godspeed
Judy Wipf | Nov 21, 2021
Your Magnolia book club friends are sending positive thoughts into the universe. We all care. Loving thoughts of healing for dear Alice. Judith Forhshay
Judith Forshay | Nov 21, 2021