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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Dear Friends and Family, 

It has been just over a month now since our last update. Over the past four weeks, Alexa has had the opportunity to experience normal life again without chemotherapy. (You may recall from our post at the beginning of February that Dr. Rodriguez had ordered four weeks without treatment and another PET scan). As the toxins continue to leave her body, she is slowly regaining strength, energy, and the ability to sleep through the night again! It’s been a joy for me to watch her feeling more like herself with each passing day.

On February 26th, Alexa had her third PET scan after being chemo-free for a month. As with all of these tests, we had to wait several long days to get the actual results. This past Tuesday, March 3rd, at 9 a.m. we went in to meet with Dr. Rodriguez to hear how the scan looked. By God’s grace we are thankful to report that it was completely clean!!! Yes, that’s correct, it was clean. SO.... Alexa is in remission!!

She is officially done with treatment and we know this is an answer to so many of your prayers. We truly cannot thank you enough. 

As Alexa begins this new chapter of being “in remission” it is almost surreal. Our world has been so focused for the last six months on the treatment process that, in many ways, we forgot what normal life was like. We are working to get back into the groove with our jobs and day to day activities, but we also don’t want to miss the opportunity to reflect on this journey. It’s certain we will never be the same and that the Lord has challenged us through this process to depend on His provision in all circumstances. It’s also amazing how easy it is to go back to self-reliance when things are “good again”. We feel this pull already.

Going forward Alexa will have check-ins with Dr. Rodriguez every 3 months for likely the next year or two. Her next PET scan will be 6 months from now to ensure the cancer has not returned. Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated!

Typically we try to avoid global virus outbreaks and now is no different. So while praising the Lord for the great news of healing in Alexa’s life, we also would ask for your on--going prayers for safety. Dr. Rodriguez let us know that it will take a couple of months before Alexa’s immune system is back to normal. Needless to say we are getting good at washing our hands!

Over the next week or so we plan to write a couple of follow up blog posts to both to thank you all but also to share some of the things that God has taught us.

For now, we will simply leave you with a passage from Matthew 6 that has been a go-to source of comfort for us. 

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”

Thank you again! 

Much Love,

Daniel & Alexa

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