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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Well look at this! It has been nearly a month since Aleithea has come home! A month since our family has become a family of 5 under one roof. 
God has provided.
We knew He would, but it is vital to stop and recognize that. 
We are learning who Thea is again- not the hospital's "mayor" anymore- our second oldest, our daughter, our sister. 

Within a week Thea was sleeping better than ever, and has been steadily growing in learning the rhythm and rules of the house. Hardly anymore are we telling Evan, "she can't be expected to do or know that- she's been in the hospital."  Her nose is still drippy. It may still be quite a while before her immune system is up to that challenge. We are amazed she now only has to go in for a checkup every 4 weeks. She has smoothly transitioned to eating and drinking full meals without the feeding tube. And with the first new buds of spring, Thea is cropping some fuzz on her shiny pate- here's to the return of that signature long hair we loved!

We waited to take that last bone marrow test til after Thea left the hospital and her counts had recovered enough to really see if the leukemia would come back alongside her healthy cells. This week, the test results came back: Negative! Not even a tiny count when processed with the finest of tests! Hallelujah!

Evan too seems much better emotionally adjusted. Evan and Thea have restored that beautiful moment of the day where they call back and forth to each other from their beds: Evan is determined to teach her every word he knows and Thea gleefully recites them back to him. He is loving going to Imago two full days a week at this point. 

Haddon is doing his part by sleeping well for a young whippersnapper of his age; he's managed to sleep through the night on a few occasions, there's a good chap! Thea is in love with Haddon- insisting on holding him, hugging him, holding his hands, or kissing him emphatically.

 We are able to make some healthy routines for each of us. Andrew is finally able to give his work more of the attention it requires. I am able to get shopping done and manage simple meals. We are trying to keep Thea on a particularly healthy diet and she couldn't be more agreeable!  

We are slowly becoming more independent. In some ways we feel in shock from the changes of the past year but are grateful to have the space to recover. Andrew's mom has still come out a few times especially for days that Thea has appointments. The community here at L'Abri have been filling in the gaps when Evan needs to be picked up from school etc. We have been treasuring the gift of fellowship right here in our house.

Again- thank you for all the meals that have sustained us through the last months, and the gifts and care that have been such a warm reminder of God's provision. We don't plan on creating more Caringbridge updates at this point- but feel free to reach out, we value keeping in touch.

What a gentle and good Father is our God.

Oh, bless our God, you peoples!
And make the voice of His praise to be heard,
Who keeps our soul among the living,
And does not allow our feet to be moved.
 For You, O God, have tested us;
You have refined us as silver is refined.

Blessed be God,
Who has not turned away my prayer,
Nor His mercy from me!

Psalm 66:8-10, 20

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