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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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The trach is OUT! As of 6 days ago, his doctor was able to remove his trach... as of yesterday the gauze over the hole was no longer sucking in (his words, not mine). The tracheostomy was the most difficult thing for him to cope with throughout this journey...he adapted to the strangeness of breathing and talking with it in 5 days (silence for 5 days from Al is torture) ... but then came the process of daily living. For a man who has never truly dealt with serious illness...or real  surgery (hernia doesn’t count dad) ... basically his flu shot was the most traumatic annual experience—the tracheostomy was hard... excruciatingly hard! It was visible and something that said ‘I’m sick’. For someone (my dad) who wouldnt want any living thing to feel an ounce of sadness or sympathy towards him or his situation, the tracheostomy was the mark of a ‘sick’ person. He cannot see himself as sick.  He is not his illness. 

As we walked out of Dr Collette’s office— it started to snow... the first snow. It only lasted a couple of minutes and we haven’t had a single snowflake since (Ali captured the moment... I hope she posts the photos) . 

My dad has very special people watching over him... now if can only pull the whole snow card  trick again mid December, it would be nice. 

Next steps:
-repeat scans on Monday 10/21
-pre-op consult with Dr. Griffin (thoracic surgeon) on 10/29. 
-a bunch of diagnostic testing to ensure he’s safe for surgery
-surgery to remove the left lower lung lobe (say that 10 times) tentatively planned for the first week in December 
-fishing for pumpkin colored Browns in Montana sometime before surgery... 

Thank you everyone— for everything ♥️

* I’m going to attempt to attach two voicemails I saved—one, is exactly one week before he was diagnosed... the second is from this past Sunday. The audible difference is dramatic. 

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