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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Monday and Tuesday we played more of the waiting game. I was able to eat lunch both days, but around 5 pm I would start feeling a little sluggish and full. The fluid sac was a pushing on my stomach, giving me some of the weirdest sensations. But Tuesday night was by far the worst, but all I had to do was make it to Wednesday when I would have a 7:30 am CT and a 2:00 pm stent placement to get that fluid out. My pain was at an 8/10 Tuesday night, and 9/10 is reserved for death, because 10/10 is reserved for kidney stones or giving birth. So I was at my max, didn’t sleep really at all, slowly rotating to find any position that the sac of fluid wouldn’t be pushing on anything was impossible. Pain meds weren’t helping. At this point I still thought the fluid was roughly the size of everything that had been removed the week before. My only hope was that the sac was formed well enough so that I could get the stent. Step 1: CT. They came and got me at 6 am, the only time I’ve ever been happy to be up that early. The doctors came around 8 am and said it had grown to TWO LITERS... no wonder My whole body feels like a hardly moving sac of fluid. Step 2: stent. My mom stepped out to call my grandma and my ride showed up! With all the snow, there were some cancellations and I was second in line, God bleeeeess! I got rolled upstairs and waited for a bit and the stent went smooth as everything else initially goes. I spent the night on a clear liquid diet and as long as breakfast went well we would be heading over the river to grandmothers house.

I woke up this morning starving and the doctors came around 6 am to say that everything looks good and they were ready to discharge as long as I was able to eat. Best breakfast burrito of my life! I’m being discharged!

Happy Thanksgiving to me, and you. Thank you all again for following what I am thankful has been a relatively short journey. It’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs, with many “happy little accidents”, but I can say confidently that almost everything went better than expected.

I’m restricted to only lifting 10 lbs for 6 weeks, so sorry cat, but your gonna have to jump. I’ll have a blood test in two weeks in rapid and I’ll be back at mayo in 6 weeks to have a CT and make sure the stent can be removed. And then I’ll have monthly up to yearly CT's to keep on top of everything if there were to be regrowth or spreading in the future. So I’m hoping that this will be my last update for awhile, maybe even ever, but it really has meant so much knowing that so many people care, support, and pray for me. Thank you!

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