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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hello friends, Mom and Dad here.

WE SERVE A GOD OF MIRACLES!!! We get to bring our precious baby girl home with us today. The MRI came back with good news - there were signs of the initial trauma of lack of oxygen, however it doesnt appear this will effect her short or long term. The doctor called it "clinically insignificant". We will continue to pray throughout her development that it would not hinder her in any way. All of her clinical signs (feeding, movements, reflexes, etc.) show a perfectly healthy baby girl. We fully believe that this will continue throughout her life. 

She also passed her hearing test today and all of her vitals have remained very strong since coming off any additional medical support. She was also so thrilled about her first bath that she pee'd in it 😂. The last obsticle for us is the scariest drive of our lives as we navigate through Dallas traffic towards home with the most precious cargo we've ever carried. Please pray for us haha.

We want to personally thank every nurse, doctor, and staff member that has helped us every step of the way. We are so thankful for Baylor Scott and White Hospital. Without the knowledge, wisdom, resources and compassionate hearts of every single person who has served us and our baby girl in the NICU, we don't know where we would be today. God is doing amazing work through this hospital. 

Next we'd like to thank each one of you that have prayed for our family. Your love, support, and prayers truly humbled us. We are forever grateful for each and every one of you. It has been, and will be, our joy to tell Adley just how loved she is by so many.

Finally, we want to thank our perfect Creator. Before the foundation of the world, He knew Adley. She is wonderfully and fearfully made in His image. He loves her so much, He sent his one and only Son to die on the cross for her. In His perfect love and divine soverignty, His hand was leading the way for every step and every detail from her conception on. Over the last month, there was a series of events that took place that no one could have predicted. In the moment, they felt like setbacks, but in hindsight, we so clearly see that is was our perfect heavenly Father's plan to protect and save our precious daughter. We will never be able to thank Him enough for His grace and mercy. 

Through this trial our faith has been tested, and has produced a steadfastness for the Lord like we have never known - for this we are eternally grateful. It is our hope that through Adley's story you have seen Christ magnified, just as we have. All glory to God now and forever.

Lord willing this will be our last update. Please continue to pray for our sweet Adley girl as she adjusts to life at home. Thank you all again, for your continued love, support, and prayers. 

The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24‭-‬26‬

- The Puckett family


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