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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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From Tessa:
It’s been a while since there has been an update on this page of Abigail’s progress. With Thanksgiving being today I feel the need and want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, support, love and dedication to helping us get to where we are today. Abigail has started Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapy at On With life in Ankeny two days a week. She is consistently improving her progress to meet her goals she sets for herself. She’s come so far. 
Her focus right now is getting herself to be able to go back to Graceland University to finish her 14 credit hours she’s lacking to receive her diploma. This is where speech therapy falls into place. Speech works with her cognitive skills, memory, planning, organizing etc. 
She is also focusing on being able to help at Funshine Daycare again. She absolutely loves working with kids. She went back this Monday and volunteered for a few hours. This is so important to her and to be able to see her with the kids again made my heart full. Physical therapy is what is helping achieve this goal. Her balance, strength and mobility is almost 100% back to normal. 
Being able to drive is another important goal she would like to be able to accomplish. Occupational therapy focuses on her vision. Hand-eye coordination, focusing on eliminating her double vision and reaction time.  Abigail is hesitant to ever drive again but realizes that this is something she will have to overcome to be able to drive to school and work in the future. 
Abigail is looking forward to being able to get fitted for her hearing aid in December. She gets very frustrated when she can’t hear people as she has lost her hearing on her left side. 
I would like to add that today is a bittersweet day for all of us as we morn the first Holiday without Halsie (Abigail’s cousin and our niece), Maddie and Ella. There will never be a day that goes by that Abigail will not miss these girls. They were all so close with one another as Abigail was living with Halsie and Maddie’s sister Sam at the time of the accident. Abigail and Halsie had BIG plans for their future together. Abigail would open a bookstore/coffee shop while Halsie would do makeup, hair and nails on the other side of the shop. Then they would coach the Raiderette softball team in the summers. No matter how hard Abigail works or how many therapy sessions she attends; this goal is and never will be within reach. This realization and comprehension is undoubtedly difficult to swallow; for all of us. Halsie was the laughter in the room, the smile you just couldn’t resist smiling back at and oh that laugh. That distinctive laugh of her’s will forever be imbedded in my memory.  
So, as we all rejoice in Thanksgiving and remind ourselves how thankful we are for family and friends let’s bow our heads and pray. 
Dear Lord:
I am grateful for your healing power, and for the abundant blessings you have given me. But most of all, I am thankful for the promise of salvation, given through your Son, our Lord. Through him, when all is completed, there will be no more sickness or pain. I pray in his name. Amen
Love, Tessa, Travis, Abigail and Dalton❤️

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