Telling My Story


“I have cancer, and I’m telling you that I have cancer.” Stephanie Hunter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in May. Disorienting enough as it is to wrestle with a new diagnosis, she also h...

Jeff and Mary’s Story: Lives of Purpose


“I didn’t let cancer destroy me and we didn’t let cancer destroy our family. In some way he is living through this new life.” – Mary A Journey Based in Love Mary is full of life. She’s...

The Best Decision I Could Make


Julia is an energetic almost five year old who is happy to have started kindergarten this fall. She loves playing with her little sister, running, laughing, singing and dancing. It’s hard to believe...

Colton’s Army Keeps Marching On


“CaringBridge makes it so more people are aware of what is going on and sending us love and support. It shows us how many people care and that makes a big difference.” – Suzy Matter ...

The Heart of Hope


I was nervous the first time I stepped through the door of an American Cancer Society Hope Lodge®. It’s a free place for adult patients to stay when their best treatment options are far from home. ...

Breast Cancer: Laughing ’Til It Hurts


As I discussed in my first two posts, I successfully used humor to make it through my breast cancer diagnosis and a battery of tests and doctors. But surgery and treatment are where the rubber meets t...