What to Do

If only someone could show or tell us exactly what to do to get through a health journey, life would be less complex. But maybe what has worked for others could help you, too.

The Power of Journaling

Over the past few holidays as we’ve navigated the choppy waters of my husband’s terminal illness, I’ve discovered a surprising-yet-essential tool for processing through pain: the ordinary ink pe...

Managing Grief During the Holidays

For those who are experiencing pain or loss, the holidays can be a sticky wicket. For the past few Christmases, my family has had to find ways to face the happiest time of year, during one of the dark...

5 Tips to Quiet Your Racing Mind and Sleep Better

It’s been a long day and I’m tired. I get into bed ready for eight hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow my mind seems to come alive. And not just alive, but r...

Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief

Here are some meditation myths: you need at least an hour, an abundance of floor pillows, an affinity for incense, and a private guru to guide you. The truth: As little as 15 minutes a day of simple r...