Webb Family

First post: Mar 4, 2018 Latest post: Mar 14, 2018
On February 27th, 2018 my wife Emily and our 6 children were involved in a serious side impact collision.  My beautiful wife immediately went to be with her Lord and Savior, and the 6 children have sustained injuries of varying severity.   Because there are multiple children injured, I will include updates for each kiddo, and for our family as a whole.  Most that read this page will know all of the faces above, but I will introduce them to you now for those that are meeting us for the first time.  The beautiful woman on the right is my wife Emily, a woman who loved her Lord Jesus Christ above all things, and loved and cared for her family with the greatest of care and devotion.  She is holding Josiah (#6), and I am holding his twin brother Levi (#5).  In front of me is Isaac (#2), who might be confused as the oldest to his older brother's dismay.  Samuel (#1) is standing next to Isaac.  Seated between Isaac and Samuel is beautiful, sweet Olivia (#3).  And, the adorable cutie with the dimples to melt your heart, is Audrey (#4).  I want to praise our Father in heaven for his protection of our six children, and for welcoming Emily into his eternal presence.  It is only through His strength that I can possibly imagine weathering this storm.  Prayer is what our family covets most.  Please also be in prayer for the driver of the other vehicle as I can't imagine how they are handling this tragedy, I pray that they know the Lord.  

