Walter Linklater III Walter Linklater III

Warrior Walt was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma Cancer with the NMYC gene on July 25th 2019. He was transferred twice before he came to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, where we are so grateful to have the doctors and staff who have helped him so much. He is one tough warrior which is how he got his nickname Warrior Walt. In the long run his treatment plan will be 12-18 which we will be here the entire time as we live 5 hours away from our Indian Reservation. So we are also so grateful to the Ronald McDonald House of Charities of Eastern Wisconsin for making it possible to make sure he gets the treatment he deserves, he would not have made it this far without. He was given a 3% chance of a 5 year survival rate. On May 29th 2020 he was declared NED, but he is currently going through 6 months immunotherapy and 3 weeks of radiation to keep this ugly thing away. The doctors are so happy, they state every time something happens Warrior Walt has always surprised them. He has had multiple rounds of chemo, a resection surgery, 2 stem cell transplants and is now currently going through immunotherapy. He is high risk and has been through so much but takes on each new battle like the warrior he is.