Virginia Lingenfelter

First post: Mar 7, 2019 Latest post: Apr 21, 2019
We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

  On December 3rd 2018 I was sent to the emergency room with severe jaundice. After tests and and an MRI I was told i have a tumor in the head of my pancreas and they will now need to do an endoscopic ultrasound to be sure if its cancer or not. The next day we received the news and I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. My first thought was why me?? 

Everything from then on happened so fast it's all a blur now on December 8th i underwent a major surgury called a whipple procedure and  boy did that suck! We had a minor complication involving an artery that was to close to my tumor to not remove so the used a vien graph from my leg and that little vien kept collapsing so they left me open over night. I was sedated but my family has told me that was the longest scariest night. But thank God that little vien started working and they closed me up.  Many ups and downs while recovering everyday my family and I tried to celebrate all the small victories. From drinking my first liquids, getting from my bed to my chair...with help... to eating solid food everyday was a struggle and a blessing. I finally got to go home on December 26th. I went from being in the SICU with an NG tube up my nose a cathader, two drain tubes (jp drain) a feeding tube and a wound vac to about a month and a half later to just using an ostomy bag to collect any drainage from my whipple incession.

  In the beginning of February that little vien I told you about decided to "leak" and I began to hemmorage out at home. So scary! Dr turfah my Surgeon is amazing and met me at the ER to check in me. He had them go in and stint it and I went home a few days later. 

 Fast forward to my pathology reports. My pancreatic tumor was removed from the head of the pancreas however what we thought was contained has a mind of it's own. Stupid cancer! Some nearby lymphnodes and the omentum( the "bib" that covers our organs are infected with it.  So chemo is the plan to keep it at slow/ shrink the remaining cancer so it will not spread.
