Tristan McGregor

First post: Jul 24, 2021 Latest post: Nov 15, 2023
Hi, my name is Tristan McGregor. I was born on June 3rd, 2021 at 11:32 am, weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and 18.5” long. My mommy and daddy were ecstatic at how perfect I was. A couple of hours later I started throwing up stomach bile and was rushed to my local children’s hospital where numerous tests were run on me to see what was wrong. Tests came back days later and it turns out I have the same disease my daddy had - Hirschsprung's. I went in for surgery on June 8, 2021 at only 5 days old to see how severe my Hirschsprung’s was. Turns out I have the rarest and most severe form of the disease. None of my colon, large intestine or small intestine has any ganglion cells which are what makes the bowels relax and contract and be able to go to the bathroom. So since I have none, I was given an ostomy at 50 cm of the small intestine, a g tube for feedings and am on TPN for nutrients. I will be on these for the foreseeable future until I get older and explore options for my best quality of life, likely receiving a multi organ intestinal transplant. 

Thank you so much for reading my story. If you feel so inclined to donate, please know you’ll be helping me and my family out for the day to day struggles including daily medications and supplies, medical bills, home health care, OT and PT therapy, specialist visits across the country, and the eventual need for my multi organ instestinal transplant. If you cannot donate, please share my story. Thank you again for your time and support.