Terry Davenport Terry Davenport

First post: Oct 11, 2018 Latest post: Dec 5, 2018
Our Dad/ husband (Terry) has been fighting stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer for three and a half years! As most of you know this has been an uphill down hill battle. In mid September he had a set back and they found cancer in his esophagus, so they started chemo again. About a week after that he was able to get an MRI because he was having headaches. The MRI showed us horrific results that we were not prepared for! Dad has more than 20 metastatic brain tumors, the three biggest and the ones that are causing him issues are located in his lower cranium area. His radiologist at the time said there was nothing more he can do and suggested he call hospice.  We as a family decided on a second opinion because Dad is not ready to give up his fight! After receiving a second opinion and doing some of our own research, we have decided to try spot radiation on the three large tumors along with immunotherapy. There are some very serious risks and side effects involved with further radiation treatments to his brain, but at this point it is his only option. Please pray with us for a miracle from God to heal his body. We know that all things are possible with God and will never give up hope for healing. Please also be praying that the radiation will not affect his speech, vision, mobility, or memory.  We are asking for strength and comfort for Dad and our family as we decide how to best support and care for Dad. We ask for wisdom for the doctors and nurses as they treat Dad. I am also asking for prayer for Shane as he will be taking on extra responsibilities with Lacie having to travel back and forth from her home in SD to her parents house. Please pray for our children as they process all of the things going on. Please pray for us to be good examples for our children of how we can make it through trials trusting that God is going to carry us. Dad is unable to work right now due to the symptoms he's having because of the tumors. If the Lord should lead you to donate money to help with living expenses and the cost of traveling to and from his appointments please contact Lacie and she can direct where and how to send your donation.  Thank you !!!

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