Teresa Vance

First post: Jul 20, 2018 Latest post: Sep 5, 2018
Teresa Vance, wife of Kevin Vance, mother of Charlie and Meredith Vance,  daughter of Ron and Heidi Ginal, sister to Mike Ginal, aunt, cousin, niece, and friend to all.

Teresa's brother Mike Ginal has set up the following GoFundMe page:  https://www.gofundme.com/teresa-vance

Also, a sign-up genius for meals has been put together and can be found here:  

Attn Teresa Vance
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
235 Wealthy SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-5289

Her niece Hazel had the idea to paint one fingernail blue in support of Teresa. Blue is her favorite color and one fingernail only because there is only one Teresa. 

Please read the journal entries (first entry found below) to learn about her story and follow her progress. Click on the "read more journal entries" to see entire story.

On Tuesday, July 17 Teresa was running with her husband when she complained of a sharp pain behind her eye. The situation quickly developed and she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance where it was discovered that she was suffering from a brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) which is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain. Teresa was born with the AVM and did not know that she had it. We are so thankful that she was with her husband when it began to bleed on her brain and that she was able to get to the emergency room quickly to receive amazing care. Since then Teresa has had two craniotomies and it is believed that the AVM has been successfully removed. She will have a CT scan and angiogram on Friday to verify this and then hopefully will begin the long road to full recovery which will likely involve spending weeks at the hospital. 

Her family is so grateful for the amazing network of support from all areas of her life that has joined her already in this fight. Her strength, grit, and will to survive has been amazing to witness and we are hopeful that her condition continues to improve.