Team Matthew

First post: Sep 12, 2016
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This site's purpose is to provide a calendar where friends can  help the family with their needs.
From Lori (mom): "My 8 yr old son was diagnosed \stage 4 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma also known as burkitts.  His nana had him that weekend & took him to Fayette Piedmont on  8/28. Blood work showed that his liver both enzymes were elevated and the CT scan showed masses on kidneys, liver and colon. He was then transported to Scottish Rite by ambulance and had more tests.
On 8/29 it was confirmed that my baby had cancer. My world shattered around me and I was absolutely devastated. He has 3 younger siblings, all sisters, ages 6 wks, 1 1/2 yrs and 5 yrs, whom he loves and misses already. Scott, my fiancé has a job but only makes enough to make ends meet. My baby has one of the kindest souls I know and I know God will see him thru this!"

From Pamala (nana):  This site's main purpose is to help out the family with meals while their routine has been turned upside down.  The cafeteria in the hospital is good, but very expensive.  The family has been staying with Matthew round-the-clock.  In the "Ways to help" button above, you will find a calendar (which Caring Bridge calls a "planner").  From there you can sign up to help with dinner or lunch.  We will try to post our needs in advance,  but this is a moving target since we are rotating family members in and out.  Sometimes we have family members at the hospital, and other times they are at their home in Griffin GA.  You can help by bringing in meals or ordering delivery.  We will also try to post a list of restaurants that deliver to the hospital.  More info to come....

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