Soren Wysockey-Johnson

First post: Apr 7, 2020 Latest post: Feb 28, 2024
By now you know that we have been shattered by the death of our son Soren. Soren made an unexpected and impulsive choice to take his own life. But that is not who he was. Instead we are remembering the fullness of his 15 years. His humor (his birthday gift to Doug just arrived from Amazon - a size 4XXL yellow hazmat suit), his kindness, thoughtfulness, inventiveness, and adventurous bright spirit. Soren was a teacher, dancer, musician, and choreographer who had a gift for working with young children who attached to him like Velcro. Just weeks ago Soren and Doug spent February break building homes in Costa Rica for the poorest of the poor in that country. Soren had a big heart and a bright future and we can't imagine life without him.

We have been overwhelmed with an outpouring of love and support in every form imaginable. We wish we could respond to each offer of kindness. Please know that we see and appreciate each one and will use this site to stay connected with you.

Doug, Kathryn, and Isabel

Obituary Here:

In lieu of flowers and in honor of Soren's interest in dance, donations can be made to the Soren Wysockey-Johnson Scholarship Fund at Arabesque Dance Studio (  Please be aware that Caring Bridge has a 'Donate to CaringBridge' button on the upper right that goes toward their costs.  That makes things a little confusing, and we just want you to be clear where your money is going if you choose to donate.)