Robin Bock Robin Bock's Road

First post: Dec 4, 2017 Latest post: Dec 31, 2019
Live each day to the fullest.  
That has been my motto for as long as I can remember.  
Earlier in my life I faced some big challenges that taught me life is short, and things can change in a heart beat.  
Working as a nurse, I was confronted daily with changes that were heart wrenching in the lives of others.
Now, it appears, I have some health challenges directly ahead.
I am using CaringBridge because I am anticipating I will have many friends who will want "updates", and frankly, I want the support from this positive energy group, but can't imagine keeping up with everyone.  I don't want anyone offended if they didn't get contacted.  This way, those who want updates and contact will pursue it, and those who don't, won't! Missy and I will post as things change.
