Rhonda ONeil Rhonda O'Neil

First post: Nov 8, 2009 Latest post: May 13, 2014
Thank-you so much for stopping by my website! I'd love to hear from you, when you have time. I thank-you for all of your support as we watched my brain cancer become a memory together.

It's been a busy year. Sinus surgery, to literally clear my head. Breast reduction surgery to become more active with my horses and family and to enjoy my life. Then "the big Kahuna"; brain cancer, otherwise known as a glioblastoma, at a late stage (4). It was a progressive thing to discover; I never quite was myself after that breast reduction surgery September 1, 2009. I had trouble focusing my vision on words; they just didn't make sense to read. The concentration of driving was almost too much to endure. All of a sudden, I couldn't remember where I needed to go. I've lived around here (Kansas City, MO metro area)for most of my life.I would miss exits. I had alot of trouble reading. I just tried to adapt and stay off the computer when it came to reading! But when the dull persistent headaches came and didn't want to leave, I consulted a CAT scan. Next thing I knew, my Dad & I were calling Jeff, Cindy, Barbara & Howard into the neurosurgeon's office to discuss a pending problem. I had tunnel vision and was crashing fast. It felt like I could only see around the rims of my glasses; on the inside of the rims. The outside of the lens was a shaded darkness that was new to me. I was put on dexamethasone Friday evening. Saturday night brought church with the family and miraculously, my eyes had cleared, except to the right outside of my right eye. I could see again! I was so excited, I told Jeff as he drove us to have dinner with the family and practically scared him to death! We were so unsure of my future at that point. A seemingly long and uneventful Sunday later, Jeff & I were deep in our misery and a good solid fear of what was to come next. By Monday, Silverstein Eye Center was testing me for about 3 hours. It was looking grim. Dr Silverstein told Jeff privately that we needed to move fast. The next 48 hours were a blur of testing, MRI's and preparing for what was to come. Unbelievably to me, they had a cancellation with the brain surgeon Dr Basta, (thank-you, Jesus!) and I was scheduled for Thursday, October 15th. The long & the short of my story is that the surgery was a success. They got 95% of the tumor removed! Even after the guided surgical imagery stop working; in the middle of the surgery!!!  My doctor (Basta) had to do the tumor removal without his tools. I am currently waiting for a chemotherapy pill (Temedar) & radiation to begin this November 9th, 2009 for about a month.I look towards 6 weeks of the radiation, plus a new drug trial called Avastin (a new chemo drug)that will be given IV until they are done(possibly 2 years..?). After that, I believe it will be Avastin every other week IV for an undetermined amount of time and the chemo (Temedar) through the year 2010.  I hope that as you have time in your busy lives, you might be able to leave words of encouragement. I've never had such a battle, and I need good words from you wonderful people! You all have been important to me at some point in my life, and I hope to hear from you. Thank-you so much for checking in! I hope to see you soon!!

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