Colby Nichol Nichol Family

First post: Jan 28, 2020 Latest post: Mar 31, 2020
Our sweet Colby has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is starting her walk to rid her body of illness,  and then restore her back to full amazingness.  
Rhett and Colby have been spending time with doctors and support professionals to plan the best course of action in treating her cancer.  The best news is that she has an early diagnosis and she is on track for a full and complete recovery.  The first hurdle will take place on February 10th.  Colby is schedule for an 8 hour double mastectomy.  As we can all imagine, this is a major surgery with significant down time.  Let's come together as the amazing community we are to support the Nichol family as they walk this path.

How can you help? 
1. Let's blanket our girl and her family in daily prayer.  Matthew 18:20 For when two or three gather in My name, then I am with them.
2. Keep them nourished with meals.  (An occasional freezer meal is helpful to accommodate schedules changes.)
3. Lunch meat/cheese platters to make packing Wyatt and Grace's lunches easy.
4. Financial donations to pay a housekeeper during this time of recovery.  
5. Cards and ongoing flowers to keep her home looking beautiful.  It's so good for the soul.
