Mira Opp-Lubitz

First post: Aug 19, 2021 Latest post: Feb 27, 2023
Mira was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and a brain tumor in early April 2021.  She under went  surgery to relieve the pressure on her brain and a drain was placed to make sure the fluid did not build up again.  We were told she was in the clear a few weeks after her surgery and we would only need yearly MRIs.  She has had many follow up appointments with PT, OT, Speech, ophthalmologists and now oncologists.  A second opinion was necessary after she started going backward a few weeks after surgery, and after countless doctor visits, hospital stays, blood tests, and MRIs, it was decided that Mira would need to have chemo therapy to try to get rid of the tumor.  She started her chemotherapy on August 6 in Rochester at Mayo, and is continuing her chemo at the Roger Maris Cancer Center in Fargo every Friday for 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off for a year and a half.  She will go to Mayo every 3 months for an MRI to see how the chemotherapy is working. 