Maya Handler

First post: Apr 27, 2017 Latest post: Jan 9, 2019
We are using this website to keep family and friends updated in one place.  We appreciate your support, words of hope, encouragement and prayers.

On February 27th Maya was admitted to Scottish Rite with signs of fever and flu-like symptoms.  After several back and forth visits to the emergency room and pediatrician, it was determined that she was perhaps on the back end of a virus or flu.

Unfortunately, as the weeks continued the similar flu-like symptoms persisted as her blood levels elevated in certain areas.  This began to cause concern and it was decided that a bone marrow test be conducted to determine the root cause.  This test was conducted April 14th and the diagnosis was determined several days later.

After several days of evaluation in Pathology, it was determined that Maya has a rare form of childhood cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma.  This type of sarcoma occurs in approximately 1% of all children affected by cancer and effects the soft tissue in the body.  Realizing it’s aggressive nature, Gary and Cindy have been very diligent in researching all potential treatment options.

The research process has been overwhelming at times, however many people have come beside them to assist in developing their knowledge and understanding of this disease and potential treatment options.  Over the past 24 hours, we have been made aware of an alternate path of treatment and currently considering that option as well.

Since our earliest visit to CHOA, we’ve learned that we are in a city with some of the best physicians in pediatric care.  Our family is blessed with an incredible support network and it has been nothing short of God’s grace appearing in our lives.

We ask for your prayers of discernment and wisdom in making the best decisions, and courage for Maya as she begins this journey.  For all of you that know Maya, Jesus is right by her side and provides comfort.  She believes He is moving in her life and those around her.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.   –Philippians 4:13

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