Maverick Trujillo Maverick Trujillo

First post: Nov 13, 2019 Latest post: Jan 4, 2020
Maverick was born with a heart murmur or VSD. Basically it’s a hole in the upper part between the bottom to chambers of his heart. The statistics show that in most cases they close on there own, and we were very hopeful that this would be the case for him too. His body tolerated the hole very well without any kind of intervention or medication. But he still needed to be followed closely for any kind of change.

His 2 month heart check showed that his heart was working on closing as he grew and we were still very hopeful that it would resolve itself overtime. He was still growing well and there really were no more signs that he even has a heart condition.

His 3 month heart check was Tuesday November 5 and there was something different that showed up on his Echocardiogram. They call it Aortic Insufficiency. With this new condition things typically don’t get better and it requires surgical repair to prevent further damage to the Aortic valve. But, it’s a rare condition and it’s typically seen at 5years old or older. Never this young.

He’s still doing very well and you really wouldn’t even know that this is going on inside his little body. Even this shocked the doctors, but it makes him a perfect candidate to move forward with surgery before things get worse. Thank you Jesus for his health!

Our Doctor went down the following Thursday November 7th to Children’s to present Maverick’s case to the board of cardiologists. Where together they came up with a plan and set up a date to repair the hole.

Maverick will be having open heart surgery on Thursday November 14th at 8am to sew a patch over the hole in his heart to prevent further damage to his aortic valve.
We were told to anticipate staying in the hospital with him for 7 to 14 days to recover.

We will keep you updated on Maverick’s journey here!



Pray for Maverick that he will stay comfortable, and that his body would heal and recover quickly! Most importantly that this will fix the problem and he will return to being a happy, healthier and strong baby boy!

Pray for the surgeon team that they would have steady hands, clear minds and confidence in everything they will be doing.

Pray for all the nurses and medical staff that will be caring for our little man. That they may be careful and aware of exactly how to care for him.

Pray for us (mom and dad) that we may continue to lean into the Lord to guide us through every decision we have to make..♥️ Pray that we would be able to work things out at home to be able to take this time off to be with Maverick for such a long period of time.

Pray for my (chelsey’s) parents for peace of mind and for endurance. They will be taking care of our busy bee Adley for us during this time!

Be in prayer for all of us that we would have peace and feel comfort through this time. That we would all stand firm in our faith and that we would not let the devil take our fear and run with it. That we would stand on the truth that God already holds it all.

Thank you all for your support and prayers! ♥️