Mary is finally with her 15 year old cat Harley.

Mary Dalton Mary's Healing Journey

In April of 2017 Mary starting not feeling well and went to her doctor. The next morning while she was at work, her doctor called and said she needed to go to the ER for a blood transfusion. She was also nutrapenic(very low white blood cell count). She was referred to a hematologist/oncologist in Prescott Valley where she was diagnosed with a B-12 deficiency. After many more tranfusions(I believe 11) and a bone marrow biopsy the doctor continued to say it was a B-12 problem and refused to look any further. Unsatisfied with the diagnosis Mary referred herself to UCLA where she was diagnosed with MDS, Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Mary would only survive with a bone marrow transplant. But her medical insurance was running out. Mary already had extensive medical bills. A donor was found and Mary had her transplant in May of 2018. She is doing well and the doctors are happy with her progress. Being that her immune system is compromised she cannot work. Mary need help paying these medical bills and her daily expenses. Mary would like to work on a Master's degree in Environmental Law online while she is home, but can't afford the internet let alone the classes. Even the smallest amount of help would be greatly appreciated.