Maria Simard

First post: Nov 21, 2016 Latest post: Dec 9, 2016
I have Cervical Cancer.  After months of  negative diagnotic tests, biopsies, and blood tests, on October 26, my doctor called me to say he was "unpleasantly surprised" to find cancer on the latest biopsy of a mass found on my cervix.  He expected it to be a polyp and even said that he was not worried about cancer at all.  Nothing fit to lead to this conclusion.  Negative Pap Smears, negative for HPV, negative ultrasounds and blood tests.  My case was so perplexing that it was brought up at a monthly Gynecology Oncologist conference to see, I suppose, what more could have been done to detect this earlier. is still a practice.

The cancer is inoperable.  The treatment will be radiation and chemotherapy for six weeks beginning November 28th.   The doctors are very optimistic that we can successfully "kill" this cancer and that there is a chance that I could be cancer free at the end of treatment.

I chose, after a  month of contemplation, to share with my friends and loved ones my journey through this part of my life.  I realized as the preparation began for my treatment, that I cannot do this alone.  Your love, prayers and support are needed if I am to make it through this battle.   I will continue to post updates, along with Camille, on my progress so that you can journey with me as my soldiers of strength and faith.  Thank you all for being a part of my life and thank you in advance for your support.

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