Linda Crockett

First post: Aug 15, 2018 Latest post: Sep 14, 2018
My Myeloma story began in November of 2017. I was anemic for a year and after meds and tests my doctor decided to do a bone marrow biopsy to see what the problem was. I found out it was Myeloma on my birthday, December 1st. Bill and I were heading to Fla for the winter, so our dr. set us up with UF in Gainsville and The Villages. I began cancer treatments with Dr. Jan Morab and Dr. Pablo Reyes. After 4 months of treatment I was tested for transplant, but my numbers were too high. So it was decided that I was going to come home to Ohio and continue treatment at UH in Cleveland at Seidman Cancer Clinic. After 3 more months of treatment, I was finally ready for my Stem Cell transplant. I entered the hospital on August 22nd for a 20 day stay. The week of August 13th I had a port put into my chest and my stem cells were retrieved through it. That is my story so far.