Laurie Copley

First post: May 29, 2017 Latest post: Apr 11, 2024
Life often throws us a curve ball, but it's a great reminder that nothing is a surprise to God. The LORD is gracious and faithful in all He does, whether or not we understand! We've had several curve balls over the last few years, but God has been faithful and full of grace through every single one! On January 18, 2016, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. I had never even heard of this incurable blood cancer before that day. I was Stage 3 (highest stage for this cancer) and rapidly declining. I was truly walking "in the valley of the shadow of death." One in five people diagnosed at that point don't live past 60 days. But God...  "Your eyes have seen my unformed body; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them." Ps. 139:16. God numbers our days. And He had other plans for me! 

My hope is that I can share my journey through Stem Cell Transplant-SCT (also known as Bone Marrow Transplant). A place where my family can update my journey on those days I may not be able. And my hope in sharing here is that this will be an encouragement to those walking their own trials. Hope that is in our Mighty God who does Mighty things! It's truly a miracle that I am here a year and a half later to testify to His glory & goodness. It has been a difficult path but the prayers of so many have been surrounding me and my family and crying out on our behalf before the LORD. He is faithful in hearing the fervent prayers of His people! 

Between this cancer, Nowell's heart attack and bypass surgery, our little granddaughter Avery Grace's major open heart surgery (yes, the surgeon literally rebuilt her heart), our grandbaby Walker's severe illness with a leukemoid virus (that mimics leukemia), it truly has been one of the most difficult years we have faced. But I can honestly say it has been filled with God's abundant grace and blessings beyond measure!! And I'm so thankful to have my precious family, loved ones, church family, and friends to walk with on this journey.

God is so faithful and a good, good Father, especially when life is hard and fraught with pain and suffering. There is great joy and beauty to behold this side of heaven! And for that I proclaim SOLI DEO GLORIA (Glory to God Alone)!

