Kyle Strongman Kyle's Progress thru Pain

First post: Jun 9, 2020 Latest post: Dec 20, 2020
6 years ago (January 2014) Kyle was diagnosed with CNS Large Cell A Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. At the time there were no masses or tumors, after 8 months of extreme harsh chemo and lots of prayer, the cancer was declared gone. 

April 29, 2020 Kyle fell extremely ill after vomiting for several days. That night a ct scan revealed several masses in his left brain. Several days of tests still could not reveal if the cancer had returned. A brain biopsy was conducted later that week. After being released from the hospital, there still were no results from any tests that can confirm the return of the cancer or explain what is there. 

On May 29, Kyle got worse and was admitted to Advent Health Hospital in Orlando, where the doctors did a scan of Kyle’s head and showed the masses have progressed and spread farther into his brain covering most of his left side. It has been said to be lymphoma based on recent scans, but without any  results from any labs it is not confirmed. The current doctor is treating it as the same type of cancer.

Kyle began his first regiment of chemo that week in hopes to stop the progression and start the fight! The title for this site is weird, however that is who Kyle is. Weird and ready for the second fight, where he believes you grow stronger through pain and become a stronger person. Stay tuned for updates and ways to help Kyle endure and fight the impossible and become a stronger person at the end of this fight. 
