Kirk Burns Kirk Burns’ Fight

So Kirk Burns and I have a little news to share. He has not been feeling his best recently so finally went to see the doctor. On July 2/2020 we got the news. Kirk’s body has stage four metastatic esophageal cancer. The cancer ringed his esophagus, restricting the intake of fluids and food.   It also had spread to a number of lymph nodes, his stomach, and his liver. We did some research and found the best option for him at Oasis of Hope (OOH) in Tijuana, Mexico. Right now I am sitting in the courtyard waiting his return from San Diego where he had to have a feeding tube put in. We have been here for two weeks and have one more to go. The treatments are working! This has been a journey that we did not expect. We are so thankful for the prayers that we have been receiving from those that know and from the doctors and staff here at Oasis. I have made so many new friends and have seen so many success stories all without the horrible side affects of chemotherapy. This will not be a short journey but God has us covered to do this together along with many others. Thank you all for your sincere prayers.