Katie Wilson Katie Wilson's Journey

First post: Jan 29, 2019 Latest post: Aug 30, 2019

After experiencing an unexpected episode of excessive uterine bleeding the week before Thanksgiving, Katie's overly cautious doctor ordered a uterine biopsy.  A few days later, the test results confirmed a malignancy.  Endometrial cancer was discovered.  Katie underwent a complete hysterectomy ten days later, removing all visible signs of disease, which had been contained in the uterus.  Further pathology revealed the presence of a few cancerous cells in a lymph node.  CT Scans revealed no evidence of a spread of disease.  After consultation with her incredible team at Scripps MD Anderson in La Jolla, Katie has decided to undergo treatment as "an insurance policy" to assure that the cancer does not return.  She will have a port installed in the coming days, and is scheduled to begin external radiation and mild chemotherapy next week, to be potentially followed by two weeks of internal radiation treatments and four additional treatments of stronger chemotherapy over a 12-week period.

The process has been, as you can imagine, overwhelming.  But, with the love and care of her son Kevin, devoted brother, John, siblings, cousins, students, and friends, Katie's journey to complete health has been remarkably smooth, relatively pain-free, and exceedingly positive.    She credits her skilled and compassionate medical team and the intercession of God and her angels for the early discovery of disease.

Donations received will be used towards Katie's ongoing medical expenses not covered by health insurance. The balance not used will be donated to the American Cancer Society upon completion of Katie's treatment.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel no obligation to make a monetary or food donation.  Your prayers and positivity are desired above all.  Katie would also appreciate volunteers who may want to accompany her to treatment sessions, pay visits on homebound days, be walking partners and Kevin playmates ANYTIME, take John out for some fun, and assist with household cleaning and errands.

