Karen Kinney

First post: Nov 1, 2019 Latest post: Feb 29, 2020
Karen was being treated in August for what doctors thought was just a UTI. After two different antibiotics were not curing her symptoms, Karen had a CT scan and the doctors discovered an abscess in her colon and shortly thereafter, determined that there was a tumor in her bladder.  Biopsies on both confirmed it was cancer.  The doctor told her she had cancer on September 13, 2019.

On September 19th, Karen had an MRI and a CT Scan at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic and the results determined that there were spots on both her liver and her lungs.  Obviously, not the news that we were all hoping for.  However, the doctors say the spots are too small to biopsy which is some good news.   The doctors decided that they needed to treat her ongoing UTI and begin chemo as soon as possible so she underwent surgery on October 15th for a colostomy bag.  She was in the hospital for 6 days recovering from that surgery.  She had a follow up appointment with her doctors on October 24th to determine the next course of action.  She will have surgery on October 31st at 8:00 am to insert a port and then she will begin chemo treatments that same day

Karen has a long and difficult road ahead of her but she has a good attitude, a great support group (thank you, Lee!) and she is ready to fight back and beat this cancer!  We would appreciate prayers and good thoughts as she continues on this journey.  Words of love and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Linda Wood (one of Karen's sisters)