Kambree Hauglie

First post: Mar 3, 2019 Latest post: Mar 8, 2019
Kambree started feeling under the weather (feeling like passing out , pale and tired)on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2018. On October 1 she had a high fever and severe sore throat. We took her to the walk-in clinic and the  physician questioned Mono and asked us to come back on Friday to do the blood work. On Tuesday, Oct. 2 she was having a difficult time swallowing and looked dehydrated, so we went to the ER.  In the ER they checked herfor many things and everything  came back negative.  Her WBC count was elevated and she had extremely high CRPs.- over 200. 
They gave her Rocephin and IV fluids this seemed to help her and we went home.  We returned to the clinic on 
Friday to be reassessed and she was diagnosed with a sinus infection and put on an antibiotic.  She missed about a week of school as we waited for her to start to feel better.  She tried to go back to school but was extremely tired and had joint pain(making it hard for her to go up and down the stairs).  Her Pediatrician returned from being gone and we were able to get a  check up with him.  He indicated that it appeared she had all the signs and symptoms of Mono, as her spleen at the time he evaluated her was enlarged.   He encouraged us to to let her rest and no physical activity until November 1- so we did.  We tried again to get her to go back to school for half days but she would go for 1or 2 half days and then be home for 3-4 days, as she was unable to function. She  then started having bloody noses and we checked back in with her PCP.  He ordered more blood work and encouraged us to have her stay home - he declared her "home bound"  so that she would be able to have a tutor from the school.    The tutor come to our house the month of November for 5 hours a week.   She was sleeping 16-18 hours a day.  On Dec. 10 she began to violently throw up and asked us to take her to the ER.   She was given nausea meds and and IV in the ER.  The doctor had indicated that he had done all he could for her and we should follow up with her PCP, so we got ready to leave.  As we were leaving the ER and walking by the nurse's station Kambree collapsed into my arms and started throwing up.    I looked up at the nurses and said  I can't take her home something is wrong. The doctor who saw her came out and said she won't be going home.  She was admitted  to the hospital for 2 days.  While in the hospital, the Hospitalist felt l her symptoms were no longer related to Mono and contacted the Pediatric Rheumatologist and Infectious Disease doctors in Fargo.  They triaged her symptoms  to see when they would be able to get an appointment.  We got a call that they would see her within a week.  On December 17, we drove to Fargo and stayed over night to be ready for an early morning appointment.  We saw the Rheumatologist and ID(Infectious Disease) doctors who were amazing.  They came to the conclusion that she had Adenovirus and was recovering  from it.  She continued to rest and recover.  Her tutor continued to see her until Christmas break.  Kambree returned to school on Jan. 2 and seemed to be doing good.  On Sunday, February 24 Kambree told me she was shivering and did not feel well.  She had no fever, cough, etc. On  Monday, February 25 she had a 102 fever, sore throat and a rash on her arms.    We took her in to the walk-in clinic and they assessed her. Her  white blood cell count was elevated and her CRPs.  They did a throat culture- which came back Strep Group G and they put her on an antibiotic.  On Tuesday, February 26, she asked us to take her  to the ER.  In the ER they gave her 
Rocephin and IV fluids and questioned whether she had Rheumatic Fever.  They  decided not to admit her and have us follow up with a 
Pediatrician the next day(that day since it was 2:00 am).    I decided to call to Fargo to check in with the specialist we had seen in December and the ID doctor said he wanted to see her that afternoon.  We hopped in the car and drove to Fargo to see the ID doctor.  He looked at her arm where her rash was and said he was pretty sure he knew  what she had.  He assessed her and then did another throat culture and nasal swab.  He indicated that the bacteria- Arcanobacterium was difficult to grow.  He started her on a different antibiotic and asked me to check in with him on Friday as to how she was doing.  We were able to head home.  Kambree seems to be feeling better as she has not had a fever for 48 hours and has more energy.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! 
Ty, Tami and Kambree 💗