Judy Quam

First post: Dec 1, 2018 Latest post: Jul 30, 2019
Judy was Diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma in her lung a few weeks ago. After many tests Dr’s are still
Unaware of where it started. This is considered stage 4 because melanoma doesn’t start in the lungs is metastasis to the lung. Typical treatments usually consist of using immunotherapy to boost the immune system to kill cancer cells. Chemo does not work for Melanoma. With my mom having Multiple sclerosis, she is not a candidate for immunotherapy as it could send her MS into progression and completely debilitate her. This leaves us with no options conventionally. This Friday, she will have surgery to remove the tumor from her lung. After she recovers they will be doing CT scans every 2 months to monitor new tumor growth. We have researched some alternative options which have brought us much needed hope. Unfortunately these types of treatments are not covered under insurance and some aren’t even offered in Minnesota. We can only pray that God will lead us on this journey and provide the way. My mom has fought her way through life and is ready to fight this. Prayers are needed. I thank you all for your support and love at this time. It means so much to all of us. 