Joann Tellin

First post: Jun 23, 2021 Latest post: Aug 7, 2021
Joann Tellin has stage four cancer. Since we've learned that her metastatic gastric stomach cancer has spread to both of her lungs we have been cherishing every moment we can with her. Bill and Joann first learned she has cancer in 2018 after she suffered a double heart attack. Soon after, Joann had to have surgery that removed half of her stomach in an attempt to get rid of her cancer. Then, she went through an intense round of radiation and Chemo therapy that lasted about 9 months. While in remission doctors discovered that it had spread to both of her lungs and further treatment was needed to save her life. Joann has been on this round of Chemo for over a year and due to her health is not strong enough to handle the radiation. She will continue to need treatments to keep her with us as long as possible.