Jennifer Selznick Jen Selznick 12/12/2020

First post: Dec 18, 2020 Latest post: Apr 19, 2021
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

I wanted to update our friends and family on Jen's freak accident that occurred on Saturday, December 12, 2020. 

In summary, she fell backwards off of a balcony 8 feet down onto a concrete staircase. Luckily our dear friends Mike and Melanie Fyhrie were there, as well as two of our kids and one of our kids' friends. Mike is a paramedic with LA City Fire Department, and was uniquely qualified to offer immediate "first responder" aid to Jen. Ultimately we took Jen to Mission Hospital late Saturday night, December 12th.  

She was diagnosed with fractures in 4 locations on the oxibital skull (very back of the head, right above the neck), fractured temporal bone, compression fractures to three Thoracic and two Lumbar vertebrae.  Yes, this sounds bad, scary and serious - and it is. However, the good news is that GOD spared her life, she does NOT have to have surgery (for now), there was no bleeding on the brain (non-inverted skull fractures), no spinal cord damage and no cognitive issues.  

She is in a tremendous amount of pain, but was medically cleared to return home this evening (Thursday, December 17th).  With the help of our kids, Mike and Melanie and others, we prepared our house with various new furniture items, gadgetry and other contraptions to ensure Jen has the utmost comfort and ability to heal physically and emotionally. 

We have had help from our dear neighbors Jason and Andrea Levine, as well as Randi Shea, Joanne Brown and others in helping us coordinate our kids (mostly Daniel since Sarah and JJ, unlike Daniel can drive and are not at risk of eating otter pops and candy for breakfast). 

I am so sorry for not getting this story and other info out sooner. I truly appreciate the tsunami of prayer, care, concern, support, love and offers of any manner in which to help Jen and our family through this terrible accident our beloved Jen had to suffer. Again, I thank the LORD completely because despite the seriousness of her injuries and trememdous amount of pain Jen is experiencing, her outlook is promising and the results could have been so much worse. We continue to pray for Jen's complete recovery. 

Thank you to all of our friends and family who have offered their prayers, care, support and offers to help us in any manner. Thank you for the meal train website calendar whereby friends have set up meal deliveries for us. That really helps. Thank you all for your grace in being patient with updates on this terrible accident. It has been a bit overwhelming attempting to answer all of the loving and well-intentioned inquiries into Jen's status. 

I would say that Jen likely needs considerable rest at this time in getting acclimated back to life at home without the perceived safety-net of the hospital, as well as focus on her physical and occupational therapy to get her back to "fighting condition". Feel free to send this to Jen's friends and family that may not be copied on this currently. Now that she is home, I wanted to just get this page up and running to deliver as much up to date status as possible. 

Jen will also be able to update y'all on when and how she wants check-ins and/or when she may be comfortable/able to have visitors. That will be Jen and her doctors' call. 

Feel free to offer some words to Jen to let her know you are thinking and praying for her. I have read her as many of your texts as I was able. 

Love, The Selznick Family (Jonathan, Jennifer, Sarah, JJ, Daniel and..... Luna)

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