Jay Brent Atkinson Jay Brent Atkinson

First post: Jan 7, 2019 Latest post: Jun 17, 2019
Today is the day to share the journey that our family has begun with our Brent, our rock, our everything.
After several hospital visits for a bleeding ulcer over the holiday, Brent was showing no signs of recovery. He was weak, pale, short of breath. On Friday after work, I came home, took one look at him, and off to the hospital we went once more.
Every visit I would say that I thought he was having a heart attack.. which would prompt all the testing and rule out heart attack with a diagnosis of “low hemoglobin” from the ulcer.
This time they said that he was having a heart attack or had had one in the last day or so.
His kidneys had shut down, and he was in a very scary place.
We were admitted to the ICU where Brent’s brother Brian joined me for support (love you so much bro).
Once they had him in the room the nurses started asking questions and suddenly Brent had a stroke.
The world became a blur as I scrambled to get the kids home and find our priest.
We’re moved from NKC to KU med by ambulance... bless them for letting the hysterical wife ride along.
We have been here since, trying to recover, trying to find answers.
The love of our family, friends and community has been overwhelming. We are so blessed to have them in our lives.
I will try to create a page with updates for those of you that want to follow so that I won’t bother everyone.
I always knew that my Brent was strong. The doctors are amazed. He promises me every day that he will fight his way back,and I have no doubt that he will.
We are not taking visitors until we are out of ICU because of his circumstances, and we know that you all will understand.
During the most trying time of our lives we must place our trust in God.

St Michael our Patron Saint of policemen is surely by his side💙