Eric Leither

First post: Dec 12, 2018 Latest post: Jan 2, 2019
As many of you may know, Eric is not a fan of social media or anything related to it!  After begging him to let us do a "short-term" caringbridge site to keep all of the information in one place and reach everyone that is wanting updates, he finally relented.  So, as promised to him we will keep this as short and concise as possible.

On August 2nd, 2018 Eric had seizure like symptoms while meeting with a customer on a jobsite.  After a 3 day stay at St. Cloud Hospital he was diagnosed  with a  cavernous malformation (also called a cavernoma,cavernous angioma, or a “cav-mal”) is a rare type of vascularmalformation, meaning an abnormality of the blood vessels. A cav-mal can occur in any part of the body, but it's usually only a threat in the brain or spinal cord (Yes, I copied all of that from Google).  The mass in Eric’s brain has grown to about the size of a ping pong ball and is located near his right frontal lobe. After an assessment with a neurologist and neurosurgeon at Mayo, and a 3rd opinion from a neurosurgeon in Minneapolis, we decided the best option for him is to have the mass removed.  He is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday December 12th at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. 

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