Eliza Hansey Eliza Hansey

First post: Nov 29, 2020 Latest post: May 10, 2021
As many of you have heard, we are embarking on a health journey for my sweet niece, Eliza Hansey. Eliza is a happy, contented 4 month old and she is so loved, as are her parents! We can tell by the outpouring of texts, calls and prayers that many people in our village want to stay apprised of Eliza's health and any updates. Please check this page as we will be using it as a centralized spot to share that information in an attempt to lessen the toll on Erik and Jeanne. Thanks to each of you! 

One thing we have all been asked by so many of you is "what can we do?" and the answer is  -- we just don't know yet. COVID certainly makes everything harder. For now, if you're feeling so moved, sending some cash via Venmo for food delivery services are a good idea. I'll post more ideas as Eliza's path gets a bit clearer.

Emily Hage (Eliza's aunt and Jeanne's sister)
