Elizabeth Faulkner Elizabeth Somers Faulkner

First post: Aug 1, 2018 Latest post: Mar 30, 2019
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated on Elizabeth's battle with cancer.  We deeply appreciate the many emails, texts and letters you have sent.  We are getting them even though we may not always respond!  Above all, we deeply desire your prayers as we worship a Prayer-Listening God!  

Want to Help?  If you are interested in helping with visits or food or service, please send your thoughts to one of Elizabeth's close friends, Kennie Protasewich, who is serving as our point person.  You can contact her at kmprot@gmail.com.  She is helping us navigate and coordinate things as the nuts and bolts of managing the cancer fight keep us busy.

A quick overview:. Elizabeth has stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. Stage 2 meaning the tumor has not spread to nodes but is confined. That's the good news. That tougher news is the tumor is fast growing and is resistant to the excellent hormone therapies medicine has developed - hence, triple negative to hormones. Triple negative treatment tends to be more vigilant as the cancer recurrence rate is higher than hormone receptive cancers.

Elizabeth's prognosis is very positive. She is in for a fight though with 5 months of chemo to shrink the tumor, surgery to remove the residual tumor and nodes, followed by a few months of radio therapy.

Gospel hope reminds us God has already been good to us. He is sovereign and loving. He is with her as the Great Physician. Pray for healing. Pray for endurance. Pray for a witness of the hope that is within us as followers of Jesus Christ.