cynthia macluskie

First post: Dec 12, 2017 Latest post: Apr 6, 2018
I am a mom of my one and only Mark and wife to my husband of 22 years, Kevin..  i successful home schooled Mark who is now a Flinn Scholar and a freshman in college.  I loved every single minute with him.  I have been an autism advocate running legislation, working on AHCCCS committees to improve Medicaid services for children with autism.  I have spend the last fifteen years helping families and changing lives.  

Two years ago a guardian angel helped my find a small lump in my breast.  We were shocked to learn I had breast cancer.  I had a lumpectomy and sought the help of a naturopath and acupuncturist to help improve my health.  I changed my diet and my lifestyle.  I rejected tamoxifen as it was country indicated with my health history and would have forced me to have a hysterectomy.    I did my best to change my life in positive ways.  My blood work demonstrated it was working.

Just before Thanksgiving I found another very small lump, the size of a pea, next to the old cancer.  The breast surgeon looked at it and felt it was scar tissue.  We  did a mammogram and ultrasound to be safe.  The radiologist felt like it looked like scar tissue but she wanted to do a biopsy anyway.  She insisted on doing it that day.  She probably saved my life.  I got the phone call on the day after Thanksgiving saying it was breast cancer.  Most radiologists would have watched it.  I am incredibly grateful that my body let me find it and that everyone who touched it went the extra mile.  

The cancer only had a 4% chance of returning.  I am shocked that zi am the 4%. I changed my diet and my lifestyle.  The doctor, the breast surgeon and the naturopath were stunned.  Because I am now part of the 4% all the odds changed and I was shocked to learn that everyone of my medical team wants to do a double mastectomy.  My surgery is scheduled December 27th.  I am now making decisions on whether to keep my nipples, do I do reconstruction, and what do I need to heal or change to ensure the cancer does not come back.

I am determined to heal my body so that I can live a wonderfully long life and see my grand babies and great grand babies be born and grow up.  I know I will need love and support from my friends and family and am so incredibly grateful for all the people in my life. 

Update: I have had a double mastectomy and am now recovering.  I a,m taking the time to heal and process this giant event in my life and my family’s life.

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