Corwyn Mogler Corwyn's Journey

First post: Oct 16, 2019 Latest post: Jun 2, 2023
Corwyn Arthur Mogler has had a rough start to life.  Being born at only 23 weeks gestation he arrived 17 weeks early.  This site is dedicated to recording what I hope will be a journey to a healthy and active little boy.  I’m grandma, Mia Bronk.  I wanted a way to update everyone but also record for Luke and Mariah all they have gone through with their little boy and how far they have come. 

October 2, 2019:  Hi everyone!  Mariah and her baby boy are in need of your prayers. She is in the KRHC hospital on bed rest because she went into preterm labor. She is only a little over 21 weeks so the doctors are not being very hopeful.  They said if the baby is born right now they will not intervene and the baby will die.  She needs to make it to 22 weeks before they will transfer her to a specialty hospital like Rochester or Iowa City.  Please pray her contractions will stop and baby can stay in and continue to grow.  I will send more updates later.  Tonight I'm staying in her hospital room so Luke could go home and take care of the animals.  Thank you for the prayers.

October 3, 2019: Not good news unfortunately.  Mariah's ultrasound showed her cervix to be completely thinned and ready for delivery.  They are not hopeful at all that this baby is not going to be born soon.  They said if her water breaks it could be born in 15 minutes.  But they also said the delivery could be as long as Saturday or more.  When he is born they think he will be born alive but they think he won't live long.  They do not consider a pregnancy viable until 22 weeks.  That is why at this point no specialty hospital will take her.  The soonest they would transfer her is Monday if she has not delivered by then.  We are trying to remain hopeful but the Drs have not been encouraging.  

October 4, 2019: The plan was for Luke to stay with Mariah overnight last night since I had stayed the night before and all day so Luke could work.  But at 2:15 am, I got a call from Luke saying Mariah's water broke.  When I got there she was having some major contractions.  She was having pain and anxiety so they gave her medicine for both and in about and hour she fell asleep.  So, Luke and I also tried to take a nap.  Around 6am, Mariah wanted to know why things weren't happening when the nurses and doctors had told her "soon" when the water broke.  But the doctor said he now didn't think her water had broke but they didn't know and they didn't want to stir things up.  Then at 8am, she hadn't had contractions for over 2 hours but had to go to the bathroom.  She asked if she could get up and go since they had told her that basically once the water broke there was no going back.  However, the nurse said they did not want her to get up because there was a very very small chance the water bag sealed itself and that's why the contractions stopped.  Oh My Goodness!  What a roller coaster of emotion.  We are still trying to remain hopeful.  I has been hard.  Keep the prayers coming!

October 5, 2019: It was a very long night last night.  At 7pm, Mariah started having major contractions again.  We were again told to prepare for delivery of baby boy.  However, after 7 hours plus of painful contractions, they decided to put in an epidural.  And again her contractions calmed down.  And as of this morning she has been contraction free for 5 hours and she was able to get some rest.  Baby boy is still moving and we have strong heart tones this morning.  Again a very emotional roller coaster.  We are looking into transferring her to Iowa City today.  Keep the prayers coming.

October 6, 2019: Mariah had an eventful day yesterday.  The University of Iowa Hospital accepted her but with certain stipulations.  They wanted a bigger I.V. and they did not like the epidural.  They required the epidural to be shut down for a few hours with no contractions or they wouldn't take her.  Thankfully, she did not have any contractions so she was in the ambulance being transported finally at 4pm yesterday.  She had a couple contractions with all the transferring but otherwise all went well.  KRHC in Algona is a small hospital and we are used to things moving fairly quickly when a medication is ordered etc.  However, Iowa City is a huge hospital and things don't move fast.  Once Mariah got there it took a long time to get her settled in and even longer to her 1st doses of medication which caused more stress and a couple more contractions.  However, once everything was going, things have gone fairly smooth.  Mariah had a fairly good night with only one contraction that she can remember in the night.  Iowa City did an ultrasound and they think the baby is actually 22 weeks and 4 days and they took a look this morning and they don't think the water bag is broken.  Both good news! Baby boy is still at very high risk because the bag is protruding so they will continue with bed rest and trying to delay labor and delivery.  Prayers are helping!  Keep it up!!

October 7, 2019:  Mariah is 22 weeks and 6 days today!  She had a fairly good day yesterday.  A few contractions here and there, some as close as 45 minutes apart but almost always due to her being turned or moved.  They gave her the last of four steroid shots to help develop baby lungs and started her on magnesium sulfate which helps stop contractions and is supposed to help prevent brain bleed in very premature babies.  The magnesium sulfate works well for holding back contractions but is uncomfortable for Mariah. It burns going in, gives her dry mouth, and makes her feel weak all over. They are going to shut it off at 2pm today to see how contraction are without it. They continue to monitor baby heart rate and movement. He has been very active and his heart tones consistent between 140 to 160.  The doctors are not making any long term predictions because they say baby could come any hour with her sagging bag. But we are just thankful for every hour he is staying in.  Mariah is having a rough time with being stuck in bed for this long. She is kind of sore and miserable. Luke has been by her side. Please keep praying for them both. Chris and I are leaving Iowa City today.  Work, other kids, and other responsibilities is calling us back but it’s really hard to leave. We are picking up a few personal items for Luke and some things for Mariah then we are heading home. She dislikes the food and since she has no appetite I’m picking up a few items I know she’ll eat. This mama is going to have a hard time leaving.  Thank you for your continued prayers! 🙏🏼💙

October 8, 2019:  9:30 AM: Baby has been born this morning at 9:19 AM. I don’t know much except Luke said they were able to look at him and then they took him off to Nicu. Luke will be able to see the baby in an about an hour and Mariah has to be stabilized for two hours before she can see the baby. Please pray for the best outcome for baby Corwyn Arthur Mogler. 🙏🏼💙
Update from Luke: Corwyn is doing great.  He is about 1 pound, nobody really told us his length yet. Mariah had her first shower in days. 😃 I talked to Mariah a little while, she said they see no reason why he shouldn't thrive at this point. They were happy with how strong and active he is. Luke and Mariah were able to touch him. And he grabbed their fingers!  We are optimistic.  Obviously, he is a micro-preemie and has a very long road ahead of him so please continue prayers

October 9, 2019: Amy Mogler and I are visiting today!  We get to see our grandbaby!  We are both grandmas for the first time!!  Baby Corwyn Arthur Mogler was 10.236 inches long and 0.981 pound when born. He is a micro-preemie. They don't let you see much of him at this point. He is wrapped up in "Saran wrap" to imitate the sac. They don't unwrap him very often.  He was unwrapped to get a blood test. It is so amazing the technology!  He is so tiny but so perfect!

October 10, 2019: Mariah is getting released from the hospital today. They have their name in at the Ronald McDonald house but no room is available yet. They are going to head home to take care of some things.  They will head back to Iowa City tomorrow.

October 11, 2019:  Corwyn has been stable but has needed two blood transfusions. This led the Dr's to do an ultrasound on his head where a brain bleed was discovered. It is fairly common in micro preemie babies but a concern if it doesn't stop on its own. They will do another ultrasound on Monday. Please pray, pray, pray for healing for Corwyn's brain. Luke and Mariah feel so helpless as they watch their little guy fight for his life. He is in good hands in Iowa City but it has been hard for them to receive this news. They also have had to pay for hotel rooms because the Ronald McDonald house is full and they have no where to stay. Since it's an Iowa game weekend they struggled to find a hotel at all for tonight and tomorrow. Please pray for peace and healing for them as well. It will indeed be a very long road. 

October 12, 2019: It has been a rough day for Luke and Mariah. They are anxious for the brain ultrasound results tomorrow. The Ronald MacDonald house has no openings and there are no motel rooms for tonight with the game so they are sleeping in the hospital.  But Corwyn seems to be stable otherwise. 💙🙏🏼
