Cooper Erickson

First post: Aug 2, 2018 Latest post: Aug 9, 2018
It is with a heavy heart that we, Cooper's Aunt and uncle Mike and Pam Erickson, write this story about one of the most caring young men we have ever met... On Saturday July 28th our Cooper was brought by ambulance to the hospital. He had been unconscious for some time with a lack of oxygen to his brain which affected his body in many different ways. His organs were shutting down and muscles began to break down as well. The first night levels in his body were all over the place.  But slowly over these  4 days they began to get back to where they needed to be. His kidneys and liver are almost back to normal and heart concerns seem to be manageable.  An MRI was done yesterday with devastating news that showed damage and swelling in his brain. The extent of that damage is uncertain at this point. Right now we are waiting for Coop to start waking up. He will have another MRI tomorrow (Aug 2nd) to see the extent of the damage and if it has gotten better or worse. He needs some serious prayers right now.  We will continue to update here as we get information.  Many people have asked what they can do to help so a Go Fund Me page has been set up and can be accessed below by clicking the personal fundraiser button to help cover extensive medical expenses and future care for Coop. 