Carolyn Kinnard

Hello! I wanted to create this site to inform my family and friends of my cancer journey. I've decided to make it a little more private. My story, well here it is...I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in July 2009. I had a complete hysterectomy and appendix removed in 2009. After my surgery I got a cat scan that showed that it had already spread to my liver. It was decided that I would do 6 rounds of chemo, followed by another whole year of chemo. In April 2011 I had signs that my cancer returned in my liver and in June 2011 I had the right lobe of my liver removed along with my gallbladder. This surgery caused all kinds of complications and I ended up having staph infection, pancreatitis, and multiple liver infections. Throughout the next 2 years I was in constant pain. Then in April 2013, my cancer came back in a lymph node by my spine and I had another bad liver infection. They sent me to the Univ. of Penn hospital because they were the only ones who would remove the lymph node (because it was so close to my spine). They also cleaned out the liver infection and I had part of my bowel removed. It was the first time in two years that I was finally pain free. After that surgery came one more complication. By removing the lymph node it caused me to have a khyle leak. I was put back in the hospital and could not eat any food. They gave me a central line and IV nutrition, plus a drain. Finally, on Mother's Day I was able to go home. I was put on 3 different types of chemo, which was too much for my body. I could only endure 4 treatments, but I stayed on one chemo until February 2016 when my cancer came back again in my lungs and a lymph node. I was put on a brand new chemo pill that is specifically for BRCA positive, late stage ovarian cancer patients. So far it has been doing a great job! I am so grateful for my doctors! And I know everyone's prayers are getting me through!

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