Becky Carr Becky Carr

First post: Jul 9, 2019 Latest post: Mar 23, 2021
It was Saturday June 15th 2019 that I found a large lump appear in my right breast overnight. Having had no symptoms or changes previously, a large hard area (the size of a pack of cards) appeared overnight that was visible on the surface of skin. I wrote it off as hormonal / post-breastfeeding changes but at Jared’s insistence thought I should have it checked out to be sure. The doctor referred me for a mammogram and ultrasound which showed calcifications in the tissue and suggested I have a biopsy to rule out anything sinister. They were still confident it was unlikely to be cancer due to my age and no family history of cancer. The biopsy results came in: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Now here we are in summer 2020 with a new diagnosis of Paget’s Disease in the mastectomy site. Radiation & chemo to follow.