Babette Lamarre

Our friend, Babette needs all the help that she can get.  Before going into her story, we want everyone to know that Babette’s strength has always been to find solutions to her obstacles as she has a very difficult time to ask her friends and even her own family for help.  Those who know Babette will tell you in a heartbeat that she always puts others first and give her all to better their lives and all of ours.   

The many wonderful traits of Babette:  Carling, loving, unselfishness, generous, honest, trustworthy, loyal, full of positivity and the most important, an AMAZING mom to her 16 year old son, Julienne. 

“Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get”. —Forrest Gump

Babette now needs our turn to assist her.  Life has dealt her a bad hand but she is facing it with aplomb, grace and strength.  Babette was told last week by a highly respected Gynecologist that she had Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and it was not SURVIVABLE!  Here is how the conversation went as she was absorbing this shocking news and one can only imagine all the emotions she was dealing with hearing the Stage 4 diagnosis:

Babette:  “You mean none of your Stage 4 patients have ever survived?”  
Doctor:  “No.  Oh wait, one did, but she died of heart failure a year past her 5 year survival mark.  With your cancer, it’s a matter of extending life.”  
Babette:  “Well, how know are we talking?”
Doctor:  “With the gold standard chemo treatment, 3 months to 3 years, depending on how you responds to the chemo.  3 years would be considered a very good outcome.”

 “Whoa!!!  That’s all you got?!” she thought, “Make me an offer I can take, dude!”  As her life just got turned upside down, she stayed strong and without missing a beat, she immediately took actions and made a decision to seek treatment at the Cancer Healing Center in Irvine, CA. with Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy.  Dr. Connealy has 20 years of experience offering a wide variety of treatment options used all over the world to treat cancer in an innovative and often successful ways.  

 This type of treatment comes with a highly cost and with her condition, she would need an intensive treatment for 2 months that is cater to her.  Depending on how her body reacts to the treatment, it will then be determine if she can reduce the frequency of treatment needs at the facility with a projected total treatment timeframe of 2 years.  Just the initial 2 months treatment, estimated cost is about $25,000 and the problem is that many of the treatments offered at the Cancer Center for Healing in Irvine fall outside of the bureaucratic reimbursement system that our crazy insurance system offers.  Although these treatments are in fact much cheaper than all the conventional treatments that ARE covered, the treatment expenses that she will receive will be ALL out of pocket.  

Now, besides needing to fund her treatment, Babette is literally dropping everything she has in Virginia, where she is residing and driving out to California, ALONE as she is being cost conscious of not spending the money she has on a last minute expensive plane ticket during Thanksgiving week.  

When we said she is dropping everything, we mean everything; moving out of her place in a matter of two weeks, her personal chef business that she worked so hard on to build & finally establishing network of clients (check out her site (, her cats that are so dear to her heart which she is looking to find a home for and finally, the hardest decision any mother wouldn’t want to face, leaving her son, Julienne in VA., while she is in California getting treatment.  

 In fact, Babette is leaving tomorrow, 11/20/2018, to begin her cancer treatment journey.  Again, she is driving cross country to start her treatment on Monday and she already lined up her appointments.  However, during this journey cross country, she needs to find a place to reside once she gets to California and in case you don’t know, cost of living is pretty expensive and not having an income, her friends all got together to help set up this GoFundMe in hopes to help her reduce her stress and allow her to focus on her treatment as mindfulness is part of a key to beat this thing!  So Babette needs all of our help and we need everyone to share this story to reach out to all the warm hearted individuals out there!
Babette, by the way, has no doubt at all that she will come through this cancer with the right support for her body. She feels great right now minus a little fatigue now and then and some very mild abdominal and lower back discomfort.

We want thank everyone who can support with the financial means and/or those who can share this with people they know.  


With warm regards, Babette’s friends & family.  

