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Friday, March 23, 2007 3:00 PM CDT

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my journal, I have been so busy. I did graduate from High School with honors. I am currently in college going for a Health Unit Coordinator. I currently hold a 4.0GPA and was nominated for the National Society of Leadership and Success and Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges. I am doing very well in school, and will continue my education and hopefully graduate in January of 2008. Well, thats about all I've been doing, and I am doing very well in college. I will write again to let you know how I am doing in school and in life. Take care. Please sign my guestbook if you haven't already, I would love to meet you!

Thursday, December 1, 2005 6:57 PM CST

hey y'all it's toons just thought i'd let ya all know that I am here in Kentucky with my big sis Rita. seems that I need to get myself together here and with the help of big sister i know that I will succeed in achieving my goals and dreams and my cure of Cystic FIbrosis. I am thankful for my big sis because she gets me up so early in the morning to take my treatments and she's there for me. but I still have alot to accomplish in my life and I hope me being in Kentucky will put me in my place and I hope I will realize that yes no one in this world is perfect, but I know now that the mistakes I have made will never again return. well let me know what I need to do to achieve my goals and accomplish things in my life. Like my sis says there are no friends unless they stand by you and help you out in achieving goals in life and turn you in the right direction. your comments are always welcomed.
thank you for being there for me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:30 AM CDT

Hey! I'm back again. I'm really sorry I haven't updated my journal in a while. I've been getting ready for Graduation. I have been hanging in there, as far as my health goes. I have been having issues with my g-tube though for the past week, and I was scared to take my feeding, so I have lost 5 pounds in a month, and I weigh 91 pounds. I went in to see my doctor about my g-tube and she said that my g-tube may need to be replaced again, its' my surgeons' call. I will see my surgeon next week, so I will find out then. I have started back on my feedings, but I haven't checked my weight yet. I go next week Wednesday for my regular check-up with my PFT's, and my weight, and then on Thursday, I see my surgeon. The other lady that I had seen regarding my g-tube had looked at it, and said that it seems to be too tight, which is probably why its been bothering me. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes and what my surgeon says.

I am doing so well in school right now! Just yesterday, I found out that I made high honors for second quarter. I was so happy, I told my mom and she started crying. I pulled out the newspaper, and sure enough,my name was in the paper for high honors, which means that my GPA was between a 3.5 and a 4.0 on a 4.0 scale. My brother will be taking me a on cruise after my graduation ceremony, he hasn't told me where yet, so it might be a surprise. I have to go for now, but I hope to be back soon. If you haven't signed my guestbook yet, please sign it. Thanks. I hope to talk to you soon, take care!

Monday, February 28, 2005 7:00 PM CST

Hey! How are ya? I'm doing good. I had my doctor appointment on the 16th of February, and my Pulmonary Function Test went up 3 percent. My weight, however, stayed the same, but its ok. My next appointment is scheduled for March 22nd. So, we'll have to wait and see how that one turns out. My goal is to stay out of the hospital for an entire year. My last hospitalization was I believe, in November. I was discharged December 4, 2004, just in time for Christmas. Guess what! I just celebrated my 18th birthday a week ago. My birthday was February 20th, I had a big party on the 19th, and my Dad also put my picture in the paper, so that was cool. I went with my Dad though to put it in there, so it was no surprise. The day of my party, I totally forgot about my picture being in the paper, so that made my day! lol. I tell ya, I can be so stupid most of the time. It feels really good being an adult now. At first, it wasn't all that, but now that its been a week, its not too bad yet. Well thats about it for this journal. I will update it again next month and let you know how my doctor appointment went. Take care, and God bless you. If you haven't signed my guestbook yet, please sign it. Thank you so much, have a great day!

Thursday, February 17, 2005 8:30 PM CST

Hey, whats' up! I had my doctor appointment yesterday. It was my "birthday" visit, so they did a whole bunch of tests. I went in the "box" which measures the capacity of my lungs.I don't know what my results were on that one, but on my Pulmonary Function Test, they improved 3 percent, not a big improvement, but its' better going up than going down. My weight stayed the same, so everything turned out good. I'm really glad, I left the clinic smiling, walking down the hallway thinking about how much of a party I'm going to have this weekend. My birthday is on Sunday, and I will be turning 18, so I'm really excited. I thought I was going to stay in the hospital, because I was always feeling sick, but I had a lot of my friends praying for me, especially my best friend, TJ, who also has a caringbridge page. That's about all I have to say for today. Please sign my guestbook if you haven't already. I will see you later, take care, and God bless!

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 8:00 AM CST

Happy New Year! I hope your New Years' was great. I had a wonderful time celebrating New Years. I hung out with my sister and a few of my friends. I had my doctor appointment last week, on December 29, 2004, and guess what. My Pulmonary Function Test went up and so did my weight. I was really shocked and just so proud of myself. I guess I was more in shock than anything because I improved my health on my own, for the very first time! My Pulmonary Function Test went up from 43 percent to 51 percent, and my weight went up, almost two pounds to 93, just a pound and a half more than last month. My doctor was happy and just told me that she knew I could do it. She had said that if they both would have been the same then she would have put me back in the hospital, but I did it. My new year resolution is to stay out of the hospital this year. In 2004, I was admitted into the hospital four times and went into the Emergency Room 3 times. My doctor had told me that when I was in the hospital in October, I didn't get better. I felt better, but my lungs were still sick. I had a lot of people praying for me though and somehow my lungs are in ok shape. I just thank God and all of you for praying for me. Thank you so much. I have to go, but I will update you on everything next month. Take care.

Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:30 AM CST

Hey! Welcome back to my website! I'm glad to see you! I recently had a doctors appointment, and it didn't go well. (Which I already expected.) I was admitted into the hospital, for the usual "tune-up." I was in the hospital for 9 days. I was in Isolation, and on Oxygen at one point, but only for 3 hours. I was in Isolation the entire time I was there. I was discharged on November 4th. I will be having surgery December 17th. I will just be getting a Gastrostomy Tube Change, don't worry, its a safe procedure. I just requested to be sedated so that I'm not in as much pain as I normally am. My next doctor appointment is December 1st. My senior year is going well. I haven't missed much school, aside from the hospitalization. I am very proud of myself. Well, thats all for today, please come back later, and sign my guestbook if you haven't already, I would love to meet you. If you already signed it, heck, sign it again! Thanks. My goal, is to update my journal once a month, so my next update will be towards Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, October 4, 2004 1:15 PM CDT

Hey! Welcome back to my webpage! I apologize for not keeping my website updated. I have been very busy lately. I recently just started my senior year of high school about a month ago. I am doing very well, I love all my classes and just having a blast. I was recently discharged from the hospital about a week before school started. Although, I am required to have monthly check-ups, I haven't been to the hospital in two months. I am scheduled for a doctor appointment this week, but I have a mandatory field trip to go to, so hopefully I will be able to reschedule my appointment once again. I did get sick a few weeks ago, but I am doing well now. I can't believe its almost the end of the first quarter here at school. I am doing really well and am just happy to be in my last year of high school. I have been very busy with school and friends and haven't been able to keep my website updated, but I sure will be back soon to keep you updated on my progress at school, and my progress in life. Thank you so much for keepin' up with me as well and checking back on my website. I hope to talk to you and meet you as well. If this is your first time coming to my website, please sign my guestbook and hopefully someday we can meet and keep in contact. Thank you once again for visiting my website. Take care and God bless you. See ya later!

Monday, August 16, 2004 8:00 PM CDT

Hello. Welcome back. I am still here at Children's Hospital. I am doing a lot better and feeling much better now that I got almost a full round of antibiotics. It will be fourteen days on Wednesday. I go for my Pulmonary Function Test tomorrow, I am sure that will turn out just fine. I am having a slight leakage problem with my g-tube, so the doctor came in and he is suppose to have a surgical nurse come and look at it and see if I need a new g-tube or not.If I do, I am requesting sedation, its a very small and safe procedure, so I will be absolutely fine, nothing to worry about. Even though, its a small procedure, I still tend to get nervous and scared. I had told my friend about it, and she told me that she will come to the hospital to keep me company before and after the surgery, so I am happy about that. I'm not nervous yet, but when the surgical nurse comes to check it out, I will be nervous and anxious to see what she says. If she says that I need a new one, then thats when I will start freaking out. I'll be alright, there are smart doctors, and nurses here, so I will be in good shape when I bail out of here.Well, thats about it for tonight, I will update you on how everything went when I get home from the hospital. Talk to you later, take care. God bless.Oh, by the way, please sign my guestbook if you haven't already, thank you very much. See ya later!

Saturday, August 7, 2004 10:35 PM CDT

Hello again.Welcome back to my webpage. As of right now,I am in the hospital once again, possibly for the last time. My appointment was on August 4th, 2004, and I already knew I was coming in, because I had been sick for the past two weeks. My Pulmonary Function Test went down from 51 percent to 35 percent and I lost six and a half pounds.I am doing ok, hanging in there like always. Well, I have to get going, I will give you an update when I get out. Talk to you later. Take Care. God Bless you. Please sign my guestbook if you haven't already, if you have, sign it again! See ya later.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:29 AM CDT

Hey! Sorry I haven't been keeping you updated. I am doing very well. I was just discharged from the hospital on May 29th, and I am doing really well. I have managed to keep my weight stable and my Pulmonary Function Test have been good too. I have another appointment coming up on the 21st of July. I'm sure that will go well too, at least I hope so. I am scheduled for Surgery in November to get a new G-tube, but I may get it done sooner, at least before school starts maybe. I am in Summer School right now, waiting to get out of here, go home, and chill with my friends. I am doing good in school too. I will be a senior this year, and will graduate with the class of 2005.YAY SENIORS! In a way, I'm not that excited, I just see it as another year of high school. Once I graduate though, I know I will be very happy.I plan on going to either Marquette University or Gateway Technical College.I'm not too sure yet.Well, I have to get going now. Please sign my guestbook, I hope to talk to you soon. Take Care and God Bless you, thanks again for visiting my web page. See ya later!

Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:30 AM CDT

Hello! Welcome back to my webpage.I don't have too much to say in my journal today. I did have another doctor appointment not too long.It didn't go as well as I hoped. I had lost two pounds since I was discharged from he hospital. Also, my Pulmonary Function Test decreased from 57 percent to 50 percent. So thats not good. My doctor wants me to try to stay healthy until after school lets out. So, I will probably be admitted in June or July.I'm not too sure yet,so, I'll just have to wait and see.Other than that, not too much is happening.Oh yeah,I am doing a fundraiser to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.My goal is to raise at least $500.Last year, I think my family and I raised about $335.So, that wasn't too bad.The walk is called, Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis.It is a very fun event. There is music,food, and suveniors for us to take home.Guess what the bonus is.....ITS FREE!lol.You should join us and help raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.Help us make CF stand for Cure Found! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer or walk visit the cf website located on my main page.Thanks!! Well, thats about it for today. I hope to have another journal entry soon, probably after my appointment next month.I hope to have some good news! Oh, and by the way, if you haven't signed my guestbook, please do.I would love to hear from you and get to know you too! Talk to you later. Take Care and God Bless! See ya later!

Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:00 PM CST

Hello! Welcome back to my webpage.I have lots to say in this updated Journal.I had my doctor appointment this past Wednesday on March 3,2004.It didn't go as well as I hoped, but I kinda figured it wasn't going to go too well.My Pulmonary Function Test went down from 49 percent to 42 percent.I had gotten sick with the flu before my appointment, so that really stunk. My weight went up though, so that was one less thing to worry about.I am in the hospital right now, and I hope to be discharged next week Tuesday.(March 16)I performed another Pulmonary Function Test yesterday and it went very well.My Pulmonary Function Test improved by 10 percent.They were 42 percent last week, and yesterday they were 52 percent.I have gained weight also.When I was admitted, I weighed about 89 pounds, and today I weigh 95 pounds, so the doctors and nurses are very proud of my fast recovery to getting well. I always get spoiled when I am here.I went to Teen Night last night, and we played Uno and Sorry.I had so much fun, I was laughing pretty much the entire time!We had Teen Night on the 8th floor, which is the EMU-Epilepsy Monitoring Unit.When you compare the 4th floor to the 8th floor, it is very quiet.I was like, "Wow, its so quiet up here" The nurses monitor the patients, and try to get them to have seizures that way they can figure out how to prevent the seizures in the future.Otherwise, I had a great time, and hope to return home soon. I thank you for checking out my webpage and signing my Journal.Take Care! God Bless You!Please sign my guestbook if you haven't already.Thanks.See ya later!

Friday, February 13, 2004 10:00 PM CST

Hello again!Welcome to my webpage if you have just checked it out.I had my doctor appointment on Wednesday, February 4th, 2004.I did very well surprisingly.My weight increased by one pound, which is good.I now weigh approximately 89 pounds I believe, but they are still concerned about my weight.I should weigh at least 96 pounds.My Pulmonary Function test increased also. It was 43 percent last month, and now it is 49 percent, which is very good.So I am happy about that, and so is my doctor.My birthday is coming up soon. I will be turning 17 years old on February 20th of this year. I will be having a birthday party on February 21st after I get home from Gateway Technical College.I am in a Pre-College Program, which is really fun, I enjoy it very much. So, I have to go to Gateway in the morning, and then an hour after the program, I will have my party.I might be going to a Winter Formal Dance also, that they will be having at school that same day.The dance is from 7-10pm, so I may be going to that also. I will be having a busy, but fun day. I am so excited and can't wait. Well that is all I have to say for today. Keep a lookout for a future update coming soon in March of 2004.Take Care and God Bless You!HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2004 3:30 PM CST

Hello. Sorry I haven't been updating this in a while. I have lots to say in this journal. I had my doctor appointment this past Tuesday, and it turned out ok. I recently had a "Bone Test" done last month, and appearantly my bones are slightly weak. I am 16, and I have the bones of a 15 year old, so next month, January 21st, I will be admitted into the hospital so that I can see a bone doctor. My doctor appointment went ok. My Pulmonary Function Test actually increased by 2 percent. I was surprised because I have been feeling sick this past week or so. However, I did lose 2.2 pounds. My doctor said it wasn't that critical, but I do need to gain my weight back up. I lost weight because I wasn't feeling well, and normally when I don't feel well, I usually don't feel like eating, so thats why I had lost the two pounds. I recently lost a friend who was also battling with Cystic Fibrosis. He was only 17, he passed away one month before his 18th birthday. He will be dearly missed.Well thats about it for todays journal.See you soon! Please feel free to sign my guestbook, talk to you later. God Bless you and Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 5, 2003 12:30AM CDT

Hello again.Well, I do have a few words for this Journal Entry.I just got out of the hospital this past Tuesday.I was in for 11 days total.The reason being was because my Pulmonary Function Test was low, and I also lost 2 1/2 pounds which isn't good.I was on Oxygen and the Heart Monitor the first night, but after that, I was doing well without Oxygen.During my hospitalization, I had to repeat the PFTs' twice.The first time I repeated it, my number had gone up from 37 percent to 56 percent which is the best I have been in two years.I hardly ever reach upper 50's unless I am super duper healthy!The second time I repeated it, it went down to 53but the doctor had told me that it was fine.So, the following day, I was allowed to go home.I managed to keep myself busy though throughout my hospitalization.I kept myself busy with.....HOMEWORK! AHH! It wasn't too bad though.I completed ALL my homework with the help of the School Teachers at the hospital and a few friends from online.Thanks!I did very well, and I am still doing well in School so far.My friends are glad to have me back, and I am glad to be back also to socialize with my friends and just have fun like always with my family.Well, thats about all for tonight, thank you so much for checking up on my Journal Entries here...and if you have just crossed my webpage, please SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! I would LOVE to hear from you, even though you may not know me, and I may not know you.We can always meet sometime and get to know eachother! Well, talk to you later.Take Care!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:00 PM CDT

Hello.Sorry again, about not keeping up with my Entries.I've been really busy with school and everything. I am a Junior this year in High School, and so far its going great!I have a few new friends this year, and its just really awesome.We started school on September 2nd.As far as my health goes...I had gotten sick last week Friday and I am still sick, so I have an appointment tomorrow, and there is a possibility that I will be admitted.It may be 2-3 weeks, but hopefully just one week if I'm lucky.My lungs haven't been doing too well and I was hoping they would have gotten better,but they seem to be getting worse, so that is why I am going to the hospital tomorrow and find out whats going on.I do have some good news though actually. I was discharged from seeing my Visiting Nurse. I was not informed though.I just noticed that she hasn't been coming, and two weeks had passed already, so I just assumed that she isn't coming anymore.I don't know why she didn't inform me, but I think she should have so that I wouldn't be keeping track of things for nothing.Oh well....I'm glad she isn't coming anymore, it was getting boring, sorry to say.Well, I guess thats about it.Thank you very much for visiting my webpage, please feel free to sign my Guestbook! Take care.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 10:55 PM CDT

Hello! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my Journal Entries here...Just thought I'd wait until I had something good to say, and guess what....I finally do!! Today, I had a Doctors appointment in Milwaukee, at Childrens' Hospital Of Wisconsin. My appointment went Surprisingly well.This past Sunday, I had gone to the Emergency Room, because I was having pains on my side.My mother called my doctor at Children's Hospital, and my mother was told to take me to the Emergency Room, so I went to the ER, and was in the Waiting Room, for almost 2 hours, and was in the ER for about 5 hours total. Well, they did 3 tests, 2 of which were normal...The only thing that wasn't normal was an X-Ray. The X-Ray, had shown that I developed Bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the Bronchi. So...I was given two medications, Ibuprofen and Biaxin. Ibuprofen is used for pain/ discomfort, and the Biaxin is an antibiotic used to treat the Bronchitis.Today at Children's Hospital, like I said, I did well...My Pulmonary Function Test(PFT) increased by 1 percent. Although that may not seem much, it is very good. It was 49 percent last month, and today it is 50 percent. My weight however went down by only one pound, which isn't good. However, my doctor said that its from the Biaxin, which decreases my appetite. So, I did very well, despite the fact of the Bronchitis, that has developed.Thank you very much for reading information on how I have been doing. Basically, I'm doing very well.I hope my progress continues to increase as the School year approaches which I'll be starting on September 2nd, 2003. Thank you very much, once again. Please sign my Guestbook if you haven't already. Thanks. Take Care!

Saturday, August 2, 2003 5:00 PM CDT

Hey! Glad to see you back!!Since last year, a Registered Nurse from the Visting Nurses' Association(VNA) has been seeing me once a week at my house to see how I am doing.Lately, I've been doing pretty well. My nurse came yesterday,and she said that I have been doing perfect lately!! She also said that she is thinking about discharging me from seeing her once a week, which is really good. I don't mind her coming over to my house, but I've been asked to write down my daily weight, temperature, and what I eat everyday.I have been doing that for maybe 2 years, and it is a pain. So, I'll be really happy when I don't have to write down what I have to.The nurses are really nice, and when I am admitted into the hospital....there is a lady there from the VNA who lets my nurse that I am hospitalized so that she knows not to come over.lol. Wouldn't that be funny if she came and I wasn't there? I think that would be kinda funny.Well,I thank you very much for visiting my webpage!! Please come back again and check up on my updates soon!! Take care and hope to see you soon!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 7:30 PM CDT

Hello! Welcome back to my website!! This past week wednesday, I had gone for a monthly routine check-up. I didn't do too well, but they took me off a medication, and put me on something else.I had lost 5 pounds in a month, which isnt' good at all. The doctors don't know why and I don't know either.Also, my Pulmonary Function Test decreased also from 54 to 49 percent. My monthly check-ups vary from 3-5 hours.Normally a patient would just see his/her doctor.Well, I see my doctor, Nutritionist, Social Worker, and Doctor Assistant.I go to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin each month, and to be honest with you, the second I walk into the door,someone is always there to greet me.Almost everyone that works there knows me and my sister who also has Cystic Fibrosis and goes for monthly checkups.She is 13 years old and has CF, but not as severe as my case is.I recently was admitted for a "tune-up" and Surgery.I was admitted on June 13th and discharged on June 20th.That hospitalization was only 8 days because I wasn't really ill and plus I only had Surgery. In Surgery, I had a Port Re-placement.The old port I had for what would have been 6 years this October.So, I only had my port for 5 years.My port was placed in October of 1997.It was used for IV antibiotics and other medications.As of now, I am doing pretty well.Come back tomorrow and check up on my other updates!! Take care and come back soon!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:45 PM CDT

Hello again! Thanks for comin' back!Living with Cystic Fibrosis isn't easy at all.I have been struggling with this illness for so long that I'm used to it.I've been waking up at the crack of dawn just to make sure I do all my medications and treatments before school.Thats mostly the hardest thing....just think about it. Waking up at the crack of dawn, taking a shower, eating breakfast, taking medications and treatments.It's alot of work....even after school.Coming home, doing homework, eating supper, and doing another treatment.Sometimes I don't have time to hang out with friends.I am going to be a Junior in High School this year, and I know it will be a very "challenging" year.I just do what I have to do, and try to stay healthy as much as possible so that I don't have to be behind in school.Hospitalizations are hard also.Trying to keep up with the classes during hospitalization is very challenging.Hospitalizations for me vary between 1-3 weeks.I usually am a little weak from being in bed so long, but I manage to do all my homework during my hospitalization.I am very proud of myself for completing each year with the "Class of 2005." Well, I hope you come back soon! Thanks again for visiting my website!! Take care and please come again!! :-)

Monday, July 28, 2003 2:08 PM CDT

Hello!Welcome to my website! As you know,I have an illness called Cystic Fibrosis, I have had it all my life. It has been a huge battle and at times I struggle, but I am still here, and I thank God.I was born on Feb.20th,1987 through a Ceserean Section. I was taken into Surgery and was in ICU for quite some time.I was finally able to come home and spend time with my family.They are very supportive and continue to help me with my needs.I am so blessed to have a loving family.I have to thank my parents, because they are the ones who brought me into this world and blessed me with 3 wonderful sisters, and 1 awesome brother! I am now 16 years old and continue to fight this battle.I want to thank you for visiting my Website! Please feel free to sign my Guestbook! I'd love to hear from you! Take care, and come back again to check out my updates!

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