Isaac’s Story

Site created on November 10, 2021

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Amanda & Derek Nelson

Isaac received his LAST antibiotic infusion today!! (And even got a special visit from one of his favorite therapy dogs - Schatzi!) That means he has officially been home for 6 months! And now we don’t need to make a trip to Sioux Falls again for another two full months! 

He’s loving being back at daycare. Every day when I pick him up he waves, blows kisses at “his girls” (AKA: the providers) and tells them bye. And when I ask if he had a good day, it’s always an enthusiastic “yeah!” They tell me he’s a great eater, and sometimes need to separate him from other kids because he will try to steal their food! And they get just as excited as we do about seeing him accomplish his goals and milestones. He officially starts full time, all 5 days,  next week! 

He’s making a ton of gains, week by week. Since coming home, he has learned to crawl, crawl up the stairs, bear crawl, pull to stand, stand for extended amounts of time, just starting to side-step,  transitioned to sippy cups, has gained about 5-6 more teeth, grew about 2-3 inches, gained about 2 pounds, grew several inches of hair, eats fruit again, drinks plain milk again, can use silverware sporadically, has gained a dozen or more new words (“movie,” “football,” “read,” and “Disney” being his new favorites), and is working on cruising furniture and gaining confidence for solo standing. 

We are still in therapy 1x each week, plus the local birth-to-3 program for speech, physical and occupational therapies. He does NOT like working during occupational therapy sessions, but always claps for himself even after he thinks he successfully attempted something. He has mastered the fake cry, side eye, arched back, and scrunched face of annoyance (for making him work). ha! 

P.S. I’m hoping to not use this platform for many updates going forward. Please go follow the Tori’s  Angels Facebook page if you would like to see more - as they will use the same updates from my personal Facebook page! 
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