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Sunday, May 6, 2007 11:52 AM CDT

Hi, everyone just writing too let you know that we are here for our third year check up for markell, we went too the rainbow walk sat, may the fifth and we had a nice time .we miss seeing some of our friends that we mat doing our son transplant. we are alway`s praying for the families that have sick children and lost there love one`s. keep having faith in God, Because he is our life ,health and strenth. And he knows how much we can bare in this life. God let`s us know too cast all our cares upon him for he careth for us. we love you and we are praying for you ,markell goes for his check up may the nineth. we thank God for his blessing that he his given our family, we know that God has a work for our family too do and we are excited about doing it, keep the faith and God bless you michael,pam,markell and michael jr.

Monday, May 8, 2006 6:41 PM CDT

Hi everyone,It`s been along time since I`ve sign markell journal. We just want you too know that it`s been two years since markell transplant God bless him too be doing well and we thank God for that' we think about all the other children we meet and we are praying for there families. We go too get markell second year check up on may the 10,2006. we know that everything is going too be fine. We enjoy seeing some of our friends at the rainbow walk.Our family are praying for you . trust in the Lord with our your heart. keep your faith in him, because he is a miracle worker. He may not come when you want him too but he is right on time. we love you the Jenkins family, michael, pam, markell,and michael jr.

Monday, May 8, 2006 6:04 PM CDT

Hi everyone, it`s been along time since I updated markell site . We are thankful too God that markell is doing well since his Transplant on April 22,04. We just want you to know that God is a miracle worker. He loves his children. My family thank God for the people that prayed for us and still is praying. markell is getting his second year check up at Duke on may 10,2006. We are praying for you , don`t be dismay God Loves you and he cares.Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not too thou own understanding but in all your way`s acknowdge him and he shall direct your path. keep the faith we love the Jenkins Family. michael pam, markell and michael jr.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:48 PM CDT

Hi everyone just writing too let you know how things went when we went to Duke for Markell yearly check up. Everything went well all his test were good he was so glad to be taken off isolation, he had to wear his mask for a year. We also went to the rainbow walk we meet so many people that had transplant like our son markell. We are praying for all the children dailey, alot of the kids need a miracle in their life.And I know God is a miracle worker because he did it for our son markell his brother saved his life and had it so that he was his perfect match and I know he can do it for the other famlies that`s going through the same thing. Becourage God loves you and he cares , trust him and never doubt and he will bring you out. Love Jenkins Michael, Pamela, Michael jr and markell .

Saturday, March 5, 2005 10:23 AM CST

Hi everyone, It`s been along time since I let you know how markell is doing , he is doing fine . He is off all medication, we will be going back too duke in may to get his yearly check up, we are still praying for everyone at Duke hospital. We are praying for our friend Ian Mcgahee. and all the other children.stay strong and keep praying because God work miracles in his own time .Love the Jenkins.

Friday, November 19, 2004 7:47 PM CST

Hi everyone, markell is doing really good , we when back too Duke in Oct 19,004. We enjoy seeing the Doctors, teachers, nurses, and our best friend Ian, Robin, and Shannon. We got too stay at the RonaldMcdonald House, all markell test came back good. We will be visiting Duke again,in May 005. They will be doing more test too make sure markell is still doing well. We will continue too pray for the children at Duke, and all over the world .And specially our friend Ian we beleive in a miracle for him because there is nothing too hard for God , he can heal, and set the captive free. That`s why Jesus died for us that we may live. So if you going through something that you can`t fixs give it too Jesus and he will work it out. He did for our son markell and he will do it for you. love the Jenkins family.

Friday, August 20, 2004 7:06 PM CDT

Hi, this is markell Jenkins we just want too let you know markell is doing really well, we visit children hospital of the king daugters every monday and his cell are growing good we`ve been home from Duke sinceJuly 17. We were so glad too be home but we miss all the people we mat at Duke Hospital ,we are praying for everyone. Just keep your trust in God and he will make away, love the Jenkins Family.

Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:34 AM CDT

July 17,2004, the Jenkins Family finally get too go home,We will be leaving at 12 noon, we`re going too miss everyone keep praying for us and we`ll be praying for you, God bless you. The Jenkins.

Monday, July 12, 2004 7:00 PM CDT

It`s July 12 and we`ll be going home on sat17, we`re glad this day have finally come , we`re going too miss all of our new friends, we`ll always keep everyone in our prayers. markell is going too miss all the friends he have mat. Just keep praying for us . We`re going too miss our friends Ian, Shannon, and Robin they`re a nice family.We love you the Jenkins.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 12:35 AM CDT

It`s wed, July 7, 2004 markell had another visit at the doctor and we get too go home on July 17, 2004, we`re really excited . We`re going too miss all the people that took care of markell while being here, we have enjoyed all the people we`ve mat at Ronald Mcdonald House and at Duke hospital. We will alway remember everyone we`ve mat. Just keep praying for us and we`ll always be praying for you. Always remember that God has everything in his hand and he cares. Love the Jenkins. smile.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 4:26 PM CDT

It June the 29th, markell is doing well it want be long we should be going home in two weeks. We`re getting excite it`s been along journey for the family , We thank God for blessing markell and bringing him through , he said he`s excite about going back to va. Well I`ll talk too you later the Jenkins. Please keep praying for us .

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 4:26 PM CDT

It June the 29th, markell is doing well it want be long we should be going home in two weeks. We`re getting excite it`s been along journey for the family , We thank God for blessing markell and bringing him through , he said he`s excite about going back to va. Well I`ll talk too you later the Jenkins. Please keep praying for us .

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 4:26 PM CDT

It June the 29th, markell is doing well it want be long we should be going home in two weeks. We`re getting excite it`s been along journey for the family , We thank God for blessing markell and bringing him through , he said he`s excite about going back to va. Well I`ll talk too you later the Jenkins. Please keep praying for us .

Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:21 AM CDT

It's day 42 after transplant, an Markell is doing well he have started eating three meals a day. We are enjoying Ronald McDonald House.We`ve met a lot of people since we`ve been out patient. It`s been experince we will never for get ,we Thank God for blessing our family and healing Markell everyday.Keep Praying for us that God will continue to bless us and that we would go home soon.

Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:21 AM CDT

It's day 42 after transplant, an Markell is doing well he have started eating three meals a day. We are enjoying Ronald McDonald House.We`ve met a lot of people since we`ve been out patient. It`s been experince we will never for get ,we Thank God for blessing our family and healing Markell everyday.Keep Praying for us that God will continue to bless us and that we would go home soon.

Sunday, May 23, 2004 11:22 AM CDT

It's sunday evening, markell get to have another pass to visit the RonaldMcDonald House. We're so happy that tomorrow markell get to be an out patient , we're going too miss everyone on the boneMarrow unit. We will be keeping everyone in our prayers. May God continue to bless each and everyone of you . It's time to go again have a nice day, God bless you.

Saturday, May 22, 2004 1:27 PM CDT

Its saturday evening markell get to leave for four hour,we found out yesterday that michael jr stem cells are working 98% in his brother markell. We thank God for the victory that has happen in our son life .We are so glad that his brother was a perfect match. we're leaving now to go visit the town and RonaldMcDonald House see you later.

Friday, May 21, 2004 11:46 AM CDT

It's friday May 21,004, Markell is doing better he got to go to Ronald McDonald House yesterday for the first time since he had the Bonemorrow Transplant. He was really excited seeing the McDonald House inside where we will be staying,we went down to the shopping area where we saw Michael Jordan's car dealership. He will be going Monday as out patient, so the whole family is excited. God Bless and we love you.

Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:01 PM CDT

Hi, I am Markell and I am 9 years old. I was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia on March 31, 2004. I received treatment at Childrens of the Kings Daughters Hospital to replenish all my blood cells and then I was transferred to Duke University Children's Hospital where my brother Michael Jr would donate to me his matched marrow cells. The transplant consisted of four days of strong chemo and six days of ATG ( immune system supressor) and on April 22nd I received my "new chance at life" my brother's cells. All of this was not without some complications. I started having high blood pressure and bleeding around the brain. I had several spinal taps all of which released the fluid around my brain and made me better. My parents and I prayed and prayed and God has brought me through many scary times. I am doing better. My transplant "PRAISE GOD" was a success!!!! Thank you to my brother Michael Jr and to my loving parents for all that you have done.

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